★used★ part 12

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*Shawn's POV*

"GOOD MORNING and a happy birthday", said that annoying little bitch.

"Yeah, thanks baby", I said as I smiled fakely. She kissed my cheek and whispered into my ear, seductively.

"Ready for your gift darling?", "always babe", I said as she kissed me then walk upstairs, but shortly after, she screamed out my name in fear.

I didn't really care but I can't think of a quick excuse as to why I couldn't attend to her so I rushed up the stairs to see what accident has taken place. I opened the bedroom door to see a naked kiara.

Wow... I didn't even need a plan😏.

" I think its now time for u to put on your birthday suit too", she said seductively.

"Hell yeah. One more thing, u a Virgin right ?" I asked.

"Yes but I think you'll deserve it. More than Cameron.", she smirked.

I chuckled as I started to do that thing I'm good at the most.

~after sex~

★Kiara's POV★

I woke up next to a note on my pillow.
That's weird... I expected to see a tired worked out Shawn.

I stood up as I felt an aching pain between my legs. It was so painful I fell back on the bed.

I opened the note and started to read it:

Dear Kk,
I enjoyed my birthday a lot with you. And it was so nice when I finally came. It was a good feeling inside you but I can't stay. I thought you'd realise due to how hot I am but surprisingly you didn't. Well... I'm a fuckboy. I live and breathe on women and you are the only one I've stayed with for so long. I sang it in the song but I guess you were just too stupid to realise. I quote "🎶I just wanna give you the loving that you're missing baby just to wake up with you🎶", you do know that you're now a dumb bitch, right? Sorry I used u and thanks for being my whore... At least Cameron wouldn't hurt you. He's always so faithful to any girl he meets and never make a new move til the relationship is over. You never know you had something good til you lose it. Anyways, the sex was good and next time, don't be such a wild bed bitch while you're on it. Bye forever love.
Your user,

I dropped the note as tears overfill my eyes. I felt so worthless. I'm gonna call Cameron.

I just hope he'll forgive me... Hopefully.

*Cameron's POV*

I finished making breakfast and went to my bride to be.

She's a perfect housewife its just that her hands are a bit hurt since yesterdays' incident.

This random guy slapped her ass and she thumped him in his face with all her might and he spat out about 9 tooths... Literally.

I brought her breakfast in bed and made sure she was okay. We ate in the bed together and joked about a lot of crazy stuff.

My phone was ringing and someone was facetiming me.

If it wasn't her... Kiara.

(Call between Kk and c)

Kk- hi

C- what do you want?

Kk- a second chance perhaps?

C- nope😇

Kk- and why not? I'm sorry okay I didn't mean what I did.

C- because, you cursed me out, ran me out your house and had me cry for days that turned into weeks. I loved you kiara and you let that all go down the drain and now u beg for a second chance ? No way hunny I'm moving on. Oh! And say hello to my soon-to-be wife.

I put the camera on Luciana and she smiled and said;

C- hi. Cameron is a really great guy and you did nothing to deserve him. Yup, absolutely nothing... He was my neighbor and I saw him crying out your name... Kiara. He missed you a lot but its over now and he deserves better so go back to your fuckboy if u may please.

I hung up the phone when she was done and then we both start laughing loudly. "I hope she feels the same way I felt except from the pain between her legs cause I don't feel that kinda pain", I said as I continued talking and laughing with Luciana.

Let's just call it a day.

Life is getting the better of them at the moment as kiara is definitely heart broken... Can't blame me, she wanted it.

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