I Believe You

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"Makkachin slow down~" I laugh and catch up to him then kneel next to Makkachin "You run so fast how am I going to keep up with you~" Makkachin barks and kisses my face I pet his squishy face and stick out my tongue. "Alright, let's keep going. I-" I then hear a splash and turn around to the water. "A-A Tail!" I run over to the water my feet wet from stepping into the ocean Makkachin follows me jumping around in the water. I rub my eyes and look again.... nothing. I sigh brushing my hair back "I thought I- nevermind" I turn over to Meekachin and smile "Come on Mekkachin!" I start to walk back home but the thought of what I saw still distracted me from thinking straight. D-Did I see a mermaid or a merman!?

---- TIME SKIP ----

I lay on my bed Makkachin sleeping on my chest. It was 1 am I should be asleep by now but I couldn't get the thought of what I saw out of my head it was so brief but it was so incredible. I roll over hugging Makkachin.

"I'm overreacting... it could have just been a fish or a bigger fish..." I smack my face "That would need to be a really big fish to make a splash like that..." I sigh and close my eyes "I'll go back tomorrow"

---- TIME SKIP ----

I am at the same place I saw the tail only this time I couldn't see anything but birds.....

"Hello!?" I walk around to a cliff and look down at the water. I sigh "I know I saw something" I then hear a crack and I look behind me but before I knew it I hit the water and everything went black.

???: "Hey! Hello! Oh, come on wake up wake up!" I shoot my eyes open sit up and cough some water coming out. "Oh thank god" I put my hand down and realize i'm on a rock.

"W-What the?" I look around and all I see is water "Where am-" I look at the person beside me but they didn't look like a human.... My face turned red they had scales scattered on there shoulders and arms, fin-like appendages on the side of there head, gills on their neck and.. and A TAIL!

???: "Are you alright?" I was speechless he was so handsome "I thought you where going to drown"

"Y-Your a-a" I poke his tail then flinch away "A merman!" his tail was black with blue designs scattered on it. As for the scales on the rest of his body they where blue.

???: "I-I know i-i'm sorry but I couldn't just leave you to die! Y-You fell and I-I just kinda-" He covered his face "I had to okay! I had to save you! I'm not allowed to but I had to!" My heart beats fast and my face turns even more red.

"Thank you." He takes his hands off of his face he had such soft brown eyes "I knew I saw something the other day~!"

???: "Y-You saw me!" I smile

"THAT WAS YOU!" he screamed

???: "I shouldn't have told you that. I'm so sorry Victor" I was going to say something but then he said my name.

"Wait how do you know my name?" he put his hand behind his head

???: "Hahaha well you see I uhhh may or may not like watching you play with your adorable dolphin of the land." I laugh

"Dolphin of the land?! You mean Makkachin? That's my dog."

???: "Ohhh so they are called Makkachins." I cover my face with my hand and snicker again 

"No no. they are called dogs Makkachin is his name" His tail flicked and I jumped a bit

???: "O-Oh sorry I can't stay outside water for too long or else I will dry up..... so that's your dog and his name is Makkachin?" I nod and then the merman had a face of realization "Oh I didn't even introduce myself! I'm Yuuri. Yuuri Katsuki"

"Yuuri huh? Well you already know me but I will introduce myself again i'm Victor Nikiforov~" I smile and Yuuri's face turns red. I laugh a bit "Your face is red~"

Yuuri: "Hehe yeah that tends to happen when i'm flustered... Anyway I should get you back to land"

"That's right! Uhhh where did you take me?"  Yuuri slowly gets back in the water and hisses out of pain "Oh my goodness are you alright!" Yuuri manages to slide into the water but his face still expresses pain

Yuuri: "Y-Yea. Its just because I was out of the water for so long my scales have dried up and it stings a lot when I get back in the water.... that and when I saved you I hurt my tail b-"

"YOU HURT YOUR TAIL!" Yuuri looks at me and puts out his hands trying to tell me its okay "That's horrible! I did this to you! I'm so sorry!" I bow my head and cry "I can't believe I hurt such an amazing being such as yourself please forgive me!"

Yuuri: "V-Victor it's really alright." I get up and slide into the water

"Where did I hurt you on your tail!"

Yuuri: "Ahhh V-Victor..." I dive under the water and open my eyes to see a huge cut that went across half of his tail I open my mouth cover it with my hands and swim back up to the suface.

"Its official i'm coming back."

Yuuri: "W-What! But why?" I slick my hair back and look Yuri dead in the eyes 

"You hurt yourself because I was acting like a fool. I should be here to help you recover that is the only way I can truly say thank you." Yuuri tried to move closer to me but hissed in pain again "You can't even swim!"

Yuuri: "It does hurt...." I grab Yuuri's hand and wrap it around my shoulder

"How far is it to land?"

Yuuri: "Wha- Huh?!"

"Just answer me! Please~" Yuuri points straight and I start swimming "Don't move once I get to land then you can find someplace to hide and I can bring you food and help you heal." Yuuri hisses again "Yuuri."

Yuuri: "I'm sorry I just can't let you do this on your own."

"I'm asking you to believe me. Please Yuuri I don't want you getting hurt again because of me."

Yuuri: "Victor?" I look at Yuuri "I believe you"

Lovers of Land And Sea (Victor x Yuuri)Where stories live. Discover now