The Reef

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Merman: "Coming through~" A merman swam above me and Yuri and I was star struck.

Yuuri: "You look like you have just seen a ghost." I shake my head and look at Yuuri.

"It's not that... I just never imagined a world like this existed~!" There were buildings that have sunk and fallen into the ocean and the merpeople used them as shops and homes. The buildings were just like the ones I was used to only they were covered with cracks seaweed and other sea life. I smile it truly was fantastic down here and there where so many buildings. "How did all of these buildings get down here?!"

Yuuri: "They fall into the sea get abandoned or we find them and bring them here to expand the reef. It takes a long time but it's worth it in the end."

"You bring all of the buildings here?! How?" Yuuri cocks his head telling me to follow him and I do until we see a group of merpeople lifting half of a ship close to the other buildings. I look at what they did in shock "All of you put up the buildings without any tools!" Yuuri nods

Yuuri: "It's not as bad as it seems. But it does take a while." The ship is now standing all by itself now and we hear cheering Yuuri smiles "It's nice... You know knowing that our community works together to build what we have. I have even helped with some when I can"

"I never could have imagined your world like this." Yuuri turns to me

Yuuri: "Like I said its no sanctuary but... we survive." The mermen and mermaids all then sit on the ship in different areas congratulating each other and I feel my heart warm up. "Come on I still need to show you more~" Yuuri swims off and I catch one last glance of the mermen and mermaids before following him.

???: "HEADS UP!" Yuuri pushes down my head and he ducks also and I see a rock fly over our head. A merman swims over "Oh god I'm sorry I- Yuuri!" Yuuri looked at the merman and smiled.

Yuuri: "Phichit?!" the merman had a green tail dark skin black hair and brown eyes. The Merman gave Yuri a big smile.

Phichit: "It is you!" He hugs Yuuri "Wow I can't believe it!" Yuuri laughs and hugs Phichit back.

Yuuri: "Yea sorry I have been gone for so long" Phichit lets go of Yuuri.

Phichit: "Five years! I was starting to think you swam off with another pod." Yuuri shakes his head

Yuuri: "Phichit I only have one pod you know that." Phichit smiles and then looks at me and jumps.

Phichit: "Whoa!" I smile and Phichit hides for some reason. "He isn't apart of another pod is he?" To be honest I was very confused but I went along with it.

Yuuri: "Actully.... Phichit I need you to keep a secret." Phichit nods not hiding anymore and Yuri gestures to the scale necklace around my neck. Phichit looks at Yuuri swims in front of him.

Phichit: "You gave a hu-" Phichit cuts himself off and pulls Yuri to an area that has no other merpeople in it. "You actually gave him a scale!" Yuuri nods "Wow.." Phichit looks at me and smiles "So your Victor"

"How did you know my name?!" Yuuri turns a bit red and puts his hand behind his head.

Phichit: "Yuuri and I are best friends and we have been for a long time so he tends to tell me his crushes~" Yuuri turns his head to Phichit and playfully hits his tail with his "Hahaha sorry sorry! You know it's true though" Yuuri sighs

Yuuri: "It is... Phichit always listened to me when I needed it and he is my best friend. One day he found out where I was seeking off to and well one thing led to another he kept my secret." Phichit crosses his arms and smiles

Phichit: "I take great pride in doing so! Anyway, it's nice to finally meet you! I bet our world is much different than yours huh?" I look around

"Yes it is. But there are similarities." The scale floats in front of my face and I grab onto it "Is it normal? You know giving a scale to a human?" Yuuri and Phichit look at each other and then look at me

Yuuri: "No it's not... But that's only because we are so afraid of what will happen if the scale is given to the wrong person..." Yuuri sighs and a smile grew on his face "I gave you the scale because I trust you and love you so much" Phichit then claps his hands

Phichit: "AHHH!" He covers his mouth "Oh sorry sorry... I just am so happy that you found someone, Yuuri. You know how small our pod is." Phichit hugs Yuri "I was so afraid that you would never fond someone~" I smile and Yuri turns red.

Yuuri: "Phichit honestly...." I laugh and Yuri looks at me "Victor!!!"

"I can't help myself your so adorable when you are flustered." Phichit lets go of Yuuri and Yuuri playfully swats Phichit tail with his again.

Phichit: "Hey now no need to get feisty." My tail flicks and it startles me. Phichit laughs "Still not used to your tail?" I sigh

"It can be a bit overwhelming. That's all... Although I do admire how it is pink and gold~" My tail flicks again and I jump "Why does it do that?!"

Yuuri: "It's like body language. Although instead of using our hands as much as humans do our tails flick to express emotions." Yuuri's tail then flicks "The speed of the flick represents how you feel" I nod and then I see three seahorses swim behind Phichit. Phichit looks behind him and laughs.

Phichit: "Awww~ there you guys are!" Two of the seahorses relaxed on Phichit's shoulder and one curled around his finger.

"I have never seen seahorses this close before..." Phichit looked a bit shocked

Phichit: "Really? Well here" Phichit let the one on his hand curl around my finger and it snuggled into my hand. "Awww he likes you~!" The seahorse was brown the one on Phichit's shoulder was grey and the one on his head was an orangey brown.

"So tiny." Yuuri pets the seahorse in my hand and smiles

Yuuri: "Phichit loves seahorses. Honestly, I think he has a problem sometimes." Yuuri laughs and I smile.

Phichit: "Can't help it if they are adorable~!" the seahorse in my hand gets up and uncurls its tail from my finger and flops on Phichit's head near the other one. "I should get these guys home. But hey it was amazing meeting you Victor!" He waves and Yuuri says goodbye and just like that Phichit swims off. Yuri then looks at me.

Yuuri: "You should probably head back home huh?" I sigh.

"As much as I would want to stay down here you are right." Yuuri and I swim back up to the surface and I get out. "I'll see you tomorrow" I kiss Yuri and Yuuri rests his head on the ice.

Yuuri: "I'll be here~" and with that I head back home the thought of everything I just saw fresh in my mind.

Lovers of Land And Sea (Victor x Yuuri)Where stories live. Discover now