Yuri's Dream

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I wake up early to skate and although I am not competing I still wanted to make some sort of program. I was in the middle of figuring out what to do next when Yurio came into the skating rink.

Yurio: "I thought you retired." I laugh

"Good morning Yurio~" he growled tightening his skates and getting on the ice next to me.

Yurio: "I told you not to call me that. Why are you here anyway?!" I tap my toe on the ice and smile.

"I got some inspiration and decided to skate." Yurio moves his feet in opposite directions on the ice and sighs. "You are working on a new program are you not?"

Yurio: "Of course I am you may have dropped this year's commutation but I'm not!" I rub Yurio's head and he swats my hand.

"Well then show it to me. I was just about to leave but you might as well warm up with me here." I skate off of the ice and gesture to Yurio to start it was early in the companion so I didn't expect him to have any music planned. Yurio crosses his arms and blows on his hair.

Yurio: "Fine. Only because your my friend Victor not because I need it." I laugh and I see a small smile from Yurio. Yurio dances what he has of his program and I was happy with what he had. He already planned two quads and wanted to do more.

"That was good Yurio!" he puts his hand on his hip "The only thing is work on pivoting." I wink "I don't want you to break your ankle~" Yurio skated over to me his hands on the side wall.

Yurio: "I can take care of myself Nikiforov!" Yurio then noticed the scale around my neck and raised an eyebrow "Whats with the scale?"

"I bought it the other day and desired to wear it." I sit down and take off my skates putting them in my bag. Yurio learned forward on the wall.

Yurio: "That doesn't look like a necklace you would buy Victor. I know your sorry skating ass since when do you like to wear jewelry?!"

"Lauguage~" Yurio stands up and grumbles.

Yurio: "Whatever I don't care I will see you soon." He gestures goodbye to me before going back to practice and I walk out of the rink.

"That was close...." I hold the scale in my hand I couldn't take it off it meant so much to me...

---- TIME SKIP ----

"YUURI~!!" the ice has been melting so it has been harder to find Yuri because he has been swimming all over the place. I sit on a rock my knees close to my chest. "Where are you?" I then hear a noise and I look out to see Yuuri do a flip from the water. I laugh "Such a show off sometimes aren't you~" I rest my hands on my knees and watch Yuuri jump around in the water it was nice to see him laugh and have fun. Although I couldn't help but get the feeling that not all merpeople could do flips like he can. "Hey Yuuri! That's enough of showing off~!" I laugh and Yuuri looks at me red in the face.

Yuuri: "V-Victor when did you get here?!"

"About 30 minutes ago~"  Yuuri tuned red and covers his face.

Yuuri: "Gaaahhhh why do you need to be so silent!" I relax my legs and lean forward "I can't believe you saw all of that."

"I thought it was amazing! Can all mermen do flips like that?" Yuuri shakes his head

Yuuri: "I... Errrrm used to perform."

"You used to perform!" Yuuri sticks his hands out.

Yuuri: "Well it's my dream to properly perform but I can't now..." he sighed "I failed in my first performance... And now well let's just say my confidence is below zero" Yuuri climbs up on the rock and sighs "It's why I love watching you so much."

"You can't just give up." Yuuri looked at me "I don't like quitters Yuuri~" Yuuri plants his hands in his face again and grumbles and I hug him "Awww come on now Yuuri I can help you! From what I saw it looks similar to figure skating!" Yuuri nods

Yuuri: "The goal is to stay above water and dance doing flips and- oh you are right. Except you are on water and notice and you are moving your tail to stay upward." I lat go of Yuuri and brush my hands together.

"So what's the plan?" Yuuri looked at me shocked "What? Do you want me to be your coach or not~" Yuuri starts to panic.

Yuuri: "W-What my coach?! B-But you don't know anything about tail dancing!?" I laugh

"So that's what it's called~" Yuuri rubbs his eyes under his glasses and smiles. "You know you love me Yuri~" Yuuri gets back in the water

Yuuri: "I hate it when your right. So if you want to be my coach I guess I need to explain... It is a lot like figure skating although instead if country we have pods and we swim above the water and stay upright... It's exhausting but I love it." I nod

"This should be fun~! Do you win medals?" Yuuri cocks his head

Yuuri: "Well no. we get pearls the winner gets a gold pearl the second gets a silver pearl and the last place winner gets a bronze pearl... They are huge about the size of my hand and it has been my dream to hold a gold pearl in my hand~!" I lean forward relaxing and Yuuri turns red. "But it's almost impossible everyone all over the sea they are so talented."

"And so are you. You just need to add a little extra effort." Yuuri smiles and from that day forward I helped him choreograph a tail dance that would be unique and different than anything that any of the other mermen where going to bring. I still skated if corse but I feel like Yurio is getting a bit suspicious of me...

Lovers of Land And Sea (Victor x Yuuri)Where stories live. Discover now