By Your Side

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"And Now!" Yuri jumps and lands into the water perfectly "WOOOO~!" Yuri flicks his head out of the water he was exhausted so he flops on his back and I clap. "Yuri that was perfect!"

Yuuri: "Thanks, Victor...." he was breathing heavily "You know for a figure skater you would make one hell of a tail dancing couch. You know them so well." I cross my legs on the rock I was sitting on and playfully flick my hair.

"I couldn't have said it better myself~" Yuuri splashes water over to me and I avoid it "Hey you~! I know you like me as a merman but you don't need to get hasty~" Yuuri laughs he has been working nonstop for weeks now and his performance was coming up fast.

Yuuri: "How is your skating? I know you ain't competing but I know you still love to practice." I smile

"I feel way more inspired then I did before I met you I can tell you that much." Yuuri swims over to me and flops on the rock belly on the rock and his back exposed "You want some pocky?" Yuuri nods and I get my bag and grab some pocky. "You sure like these don't you?" I bought some to a practice not too long ago and Yuuri fell in love with them. "Here you go" I put the box on the rock and Yuri grabs one and eats it.

Yuuri: "These shouldn't exist. They are so good!" I snicker because I always forget that all Yuuri eats is seafood.

"I really should bring more stuff for you." I stretch it was getting dark and I had to get home to Makkachin "I need to go but let's keep training hard okay~! I know we can get a gold pearl in your hand!" Yuuri sits up a pocky in his mouth and smiles.

Yuuri: "Okay~!" There was a brief moment of silence before Yuuri spoke again "Victor?" I look at Yuuri "Thank you~" I peck Yuri's forehead.

"Your welcome. I will see you tomorrow" I get up and wave goodbye to Yuri. When I was walking home I heard a very familiar voice pierced the air.

Yurio: "Nikiforov!" I stop and turn around it was Yurio "I don't know what you do every day but it's rubbing me the wrong way." I laugh

"I am just out for a walk Yurio that's all" Yurio crosses his arms 

Yurio: "And yet Makkachin isn't with you. Victor, you are up to something I can smell it." I put my hands in my pockets and sigh "I mean it Nikiforov! You have changed not only in you lucky go happy personality but you haven't been coming to the rink as much as you used to. I keep track and someone with a track record like yours its weird. Not to mention that scale you wear 24 7!" Yurio was really close to finding out about Yuri but I couldn't let him the moment he did it would be a disaster. I take one hand out of my pocket and gesture to Yurio.

"I must admit you have a great attention to detail." Yurio growls 

Yurio: "You're damn straight! Tell me Victor what are you doing it is driving me up the wall crazy and I know you aren't the type to be secretive" I sigh 

"I can't tell you Yurio. And If I where you I would keep out of peoples personal business." I fix my glove and smirk a bit and Yurio gets a bit steamed.

Yurio: "You aren't my father Victor!"

"I know that but I give you solid advise. Do I not~?" Yurio turns his head indicating that I was right he just didn't want to say "I need to head home and you should as well~. I will see you soon Yurio~" I smile and turn away. I'm happy that Yurio didn't find out but I'm afraid that he might soon.

---- TIME SKIP ----

I fell asleep with Makkachin on my chest so I woke up to a friendly alarm of him kissing my face and playing with my hair.

"Makkachin...Whyyyyy~" He barks and I open my eyes "At least I can have a friendly alarm instead of a rude one" Makkachin puts one of his paws on my face and I feel my heart warm up "Oh? What is this!? Have I been blessed by Makkachin~!?" Makkachin barks again and I laugh sitting up and hugging him. "I could not wish for a better dog~! Papa loves you~" Makkachin's tail was wagging really fast and he snuggled into my chest "Hey how about you see Yuuri today huh?" I pet Makkachins head and he barks jumping off the bed "Alright!" I get up and get dressed Makkachin was jumping at the door he always loved seeing Yuri even if it was just for a moment. "Don't worry Makkachin you will see Yuri~" I walk over grabbing my bag and open the door Makkachin stayed close by me and when we got to the meeting spot Yuri was attacked by my oh so ferisom dog.

Yuuri: "MAKKACHIN!" Makkachin jumps on Yuri and kisses his face "Awww hi boy~! I missed you too~!" I laugh and Yuuri looks at me "Victor help me your sea d- sorry dog is attacking me!" I laugh and pat my chest and Makkachin jumps into my arms.

"Don't harras the dancer Makkachin~" His tail was wagging and he was panting from all of the excitement "There you go" I put him down and he lays down on the rock.

Yuuri: "I didn't know that you were going to bring Makkachin today" Yuri slides into the water and I sit next to Makkachin on the rock.

"He wanted to come and why not spice things up a little~" I stretch "Anyhow how are you feeling with your program?" Yuuri nods 

Yuuri: "Good. I think my jumps need to be a bit more... you know better?" I laugh and lean forward.

"Yuuri all of your jumps are amazing you just think that they aren't because you are nervous. I would only say your spins but other than that I can see a gold pearl in your hands~" Yuuri sighs

Yuuri: "You're right... It's just last time I choked and it was horrible!"

"Well, you know what you are going to do this time." Yuuri looks at me "You are going to not choke and win! And once you do I will be the happiest man in the world~" My heart is beating out of my chest and I had a goofy smile on my face "I will be there by your side so don't worry okay?"

Yuuri: "Okay~"

Lovers of Land And Sea (Victor x Yuuri)Where stories live. Discover now