The Kiss

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Yuuri was on top of me his tail resting on my legs and his arms wrapped around my shoulders. I-I didn't know that Yuuri liked me... I loved him but I didn't know he loved me. Yuuri pulls away from the kiss and my heart is beating at one thousand miles per hour.

Yuuri: "I'm so sorry..." He turns around and jumps back in the water. Before he did his face was red and he looked like he just committed a crime.

"Y-Yuuri!" I get on my hands and knees and look down into the water but I couldn't see him. I sigh turning my head to the side and close my eyes tight before sitting up taking off my skates and jumping into the water. It was freezing I almost got winded jumping in. I look around in panic and without thinking I open my mouth "Yuur-" I choke on water I couldn't cough and I couldn't breathe and it was dark so I couldn't find the hole that Yuri made earlier. I bump the ice in hopes that I could get through but nothing happened and I was really weak and then I felt my body go limp and everything go black. 

---- TIME SKIP ----

I feel something warm around me and repeated pressure on my chest. I open my eyes and cough a lot of water coming out I gag and take really deep breaths. I was shaking because I was so cold my hands where blue and I couldn't move very well.

"W-Whe" I cough again it was almost impossible for me to speak 

Yuuri: "God Victor this is all my fault." I then realize I was resting on Yuuri's tale. I look up at Yuuri and tears were falling from his face "I-I'm so so sorry. All I do is cause you pain." I grumble and sit up

"No" I shake sitting up and Yuuri grabs me wrapping his tail around me to help me stay warm. "Yuuri you..... don't cause me pain at all."

Yuuri: "But you almost died! Two times!" Yuuri hugs me he is surprisingly warm "All because of me... I'm so so sorry Victor... I don't know what else to say" Me neither. I'm horrible with words so I simply just sat up and wiped Yuuri's face and smiled. "Y-Your not mad?!"

"No. You saved me and now you're making sure i'm okay." I then realized that Yuuri was on land fully! "Y-Yuuri?"

Yuuri: "I know.... I had to get you to land...." I rest my hand on his tail it was really dry and Yuri hisses a bit.

"You need to get back in the water! I can't let you stay out you will dry up." I try and stand up but I was too weak so I just stumbled back down.

Yuuri: "Victor!" Yuuri reaches his hand out to me and I grab it and he pulls me close to him "Don't go so fast."

"I need to. You will die if you stay out of water for too long." Yuuri's tale was losing color due to it being so dry and it was horrible.

Yuuri: "I can't...."

"What do you mean!"

Yuuri: "The water... it's too cold it would hurt my tail too much a-and" Yuuri puts his hand on his face "I-I would die from the shock...." My heart falls really deep into my chest. It was dark outside so right then and there I made a desition.

"You are not dying." I manage to stand up and I stretch "Not on my watch" I walk over grab my skates and then I grab my jacket and pack everything in my bag and put it over my shoulder I then pick Yuuri up my arms where shaking but I couldn't let him die. I through my jacket on top of his tale just in case someone sees's and I start running.

Yuuri: "V-Victor what are you doing?!"

"Taking you to my home. there you can get back to normal" I was running really fast and I look at Yuuri "I can't let you die, Yuuri... You mean too much to me." Yuuri's eyes tear up again and he grabs my torso and he relaxes his head into my torso and grips onto me luckily my house wasn't far.

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