Chapter 6

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Barry caught up to Eddie and the two of them walked over to Jitters for a coffee.

"So I suppose the cats out of the bag, then." Eddie said glumly to Barry.
"At least the two of you are no longer hiding your relationship." Barry replied, trying to be optimistic for Iris and Eddie.

"I know, but you heard her. We might not even have a relationship, once all this blows over. Joe will be angry at me, and Iris... well Iris is upset at me for not supporting this ridiculous obsession of hers." Eddie vented, as he took a sip of coffee.

"Obsession?" Barry was confused. "I highly doubt she is obsessed with the Flash. She just wants to get what she believes is the truth out."

"The Flash?" Eddie repeated, "Iris has been calling him the Streak. But yeah. It's almost like she is obsessed with this red vigilante. Ever since she claimed that he saved her life. If you ask me the man is a phony, just trying to take the credit away from us real police officers."

Barry refused to argue. The thought of Iris being, as Eddie said "obsessed" with Barry, made him feel a little proud. Even if Iris didn't know that he was the Flash, or in her words; the Streak, it didn't matter to him. Though Barry needed to put his own selfish feelings for Iris aside and be there for Eddie, his brother.

"Look, I know that Iris will forgive you, and Joe... yeah you might have lost Joe as a friend, but who really gets along with their in-laws anyway?" Barry said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Not helping, Barry. But thanks anyway. I suppose this is what it means to have a brother." Eddie replied.

"I suppose so." Barry had to admit that it felt good.
Eddie looked at his watch, "We should get back to the precinct. Come on! I will give you a ride. It might put Singh in a good mood seeing you arrive on time."

"Yeah," Barry said with sarcasm, "...and Joe will be waiting at those doors ready to embrace you as family."

Oliver and Astrid watched over Ronnie and Martin Stein, as they slept peacefully in their coma states. Astrid had managed to encourage Clarissa to go home for some rest. While Cisco had ventured back upstairs to retrieve the Firestorm splicer.

Once he had returned with the splicer in hand, he began delegating roles to the scientists on the floor. "I think Cisco might be on to something." Oliver told Astrid, noting the nerd's confidence.

"I hope so. We need something to go right for a change. I should have gone with her last night. I could of..." Astrid began.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up. You didn't know that this would happen..." He stopped speaking, as his phone rang from in his pocket. "Felicity, What's wrong?"

Oliver's face fell as she answered. "Ok. Thank you for letting me know... I will."

He ended the call and stared directly at Astrid. "It's Thea. She's been hurt." He told her.
"Go, Oliver. She needs you." She told him.

He gave her a kiss and left, but not before saying "You guys will get Caitlin back. You're a team, a family. It will turn out." Astrid smiled, she only wished that she had as much faith that Caitlin was ok, that Oliver seem to have. But she needed to keep her chin up. Now was not the time to crumble.

She looked over at Cisco commanding the room. Oliver was right. He was certainly on to something. He was babbling in his own nerdy language that the team of doctors understood.

As Astrid was distracted watching him at work, she was alarmed by the sirens at the bedsides that had begun sounding. "We're losing them both!" One of the doctors shouted as the entire team, excluding Cisco, ran over to begin CPR on them both. Astrid felt a rush of panic sweep over her as she imagined herself explaining this to Caitlin. She was frozen in place watching what was happening.

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