Sunshine Happiness

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You asked for the sun
I gave you all possible
You weren't happy

I asked for the moon
You gave me a dying star
Yet I stayed with you

I gave you my best
But you still weren't pleased
What more can I give

You found someone else
While I was still stuck on you
My world had ended

I became the star
You ungratefully gave to me
Slowly losing light

I found happiness
Somewhere outside of your view
T'was my safe haven

T'was filled with darkness
Someone came and filled the room
With all they could find

The stars moons and suns
Everything I asked from you
They handed to me

They asked me to share
The happiness I had found
Within what they gave

I told my secret
That I found my happiness
Within their smile

Within their bright laugh
Is where my happiness lives
It was found in them

They couldn't believe
That what they saw as a flaw
Provided my joy

This isn't about anyone in particular, but this idea has been stewing in my mind for a while. I finally decided to write it down and expand on it.

I kinda want to submit this into the yearbook poetry section, but I'm not sure. I might.

I kinda touched on toxic relationships because I've experienced many, and wanted to some what write down what it's like, without getting to personal. And then how wonderful it is to find someone to make joyous (?) memories with.

I don't know, not emo but still emo poetry writer: out

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