AR interviews

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"Hey Everyone! *Enthusiastically* How are you? Hope you all are fine, And of course I'm doing good"

"Wait, You all know about me right?"

"Aman Mathur from AR.. remember?"

"Well, this time ASR has given me a huge work *sighs* and that is to take Interview of each writer who writes about IPK"

"Confused? Well, IPKKND is a famous series which absolutely Everyone of you knows about. so basically us, the AR designs had supplied all the costumes used for the show. Everything about the show was very famous. Though the show has ended, but the writers have kept it alive in everyone's heart. And thus, many of the clients till now asks us to make such designs which leaves an impact on everyone"

"So as the Sponsors, to make the show more related and known with AR designs, ASR told me, the new PR suggested us to take an interview of all those writers who makes it possible for keeping the show still alive"

"Though i haven't met the new PR, this suggestion made me happy. It will be an honor to take Interview of all the writers with PR himself, and I'm so exci.."

Knock Knock

"Who's that now *muttering under breath* I'll get back to you all later"

"Come in"

"Mr.Mathur? Its me, Sheetal Singhania"

"Pardon, I didn't recognize you"

"I'm the PR, Mr.Mathur"

"Oh..!" A girl? I thought this great idea must have been of some great Man.

"Where is ASR? He called me for some work. Hope u know about that" she spoke in hurry

ASR is unpredictable. Why he has choosen this girl for work. But who knows what ASR thinks..!

"Yes, ASR has told me about your work, actually he asked me to instruct you everything"

"What? You are going to instruct me? *attitude look* . Just tell me, which writer to start the work with, That is more than enough..! And about instructions. Did you forgot that it's my idea? I myself know everything"

look at her attitude, as if she is great .. Ok ok .. I agree, the idea is great but her attitude is NOT .. Humph ..!

"Okay, we will Start with the writer who replies to our invitation first and so on"

"Tell me the names., so that I can take interviews.. Actually, Why don't you make a list and give it to me" she raised her eyebrow

"Really? *faking shocked face* But I thought you know everything, Why would you need a list?"

"Stop mocking and tell me.. I don't know how ASR appointed you as the manager" making face

"Exactly, my thoughts..! How did he appoint you as his PR?"

"Listen, you don't know me, I'm ASR's friend .. We studied in the same college"

"Oh, you mean he did a favor on you?"

"At least he considered me, I guess, he was helpless while selecting you"

"Ha ha ha .. Very funny, I've stood with ASR through his thick n thin, from the scratch when AR designs was just a mere name. so he doesn't needs to consider me, he knows me too well"

"Woah .. That's too much, Mr.I'm so great"

"Shut up, Miss.Know it all .. We have to take interviews, so stop with your attitude"

"We? You mean, we both?"

'Yes. We both are taking interviews. Do you have any problem with it?"

"ASR has lost it? I thought its only me taking interview with you helping me with the list"

"You can't handle"

"Well I'm the PR"

"And I'm the Manager"

ASR enters the cabin

"Are you both ready for this?"

"ASR I can't" both Aman and sheetal spoke together and then looked at each other

"Any problem?" ASR raised his eyebrow

Aman and Sheetal kept murdering each other with eyes

"The reason, I teamed you both for this work is .. Aman you are best in professional side and Sheetal, you are good in digging personal information.. So you both will divide questions based on that and start your work. Is that okay?"

*Aman and sheetal simply nodded*

"Then what you both are looking for go and do your work..!"


Purpose : Writer's Interviews

Title : Avid Recognition (Interested in Knowing More)

Characters : Aman Mathur (Professionalised)

Sheetal Singhania

Update Credits : sonusravya

Cover Credits : inaara_khan

Supervision : Uzma_Farheen

Avid RecognitionWhere stories live. Discover now