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"When will the writer arrive?" Sheetal asked to Aman

"What? *faking shock* you just asked me? I thought you already knew everything, Miss. Know it all" Aman taunted

Sheetal rolled her eyes "like seriously? I'm bored hearing the same thing! I asked you something and you answer me properly, otherwise *smirking* it won't take time for me to report your unprofessional behaviour to ASR!"

"Ok fine! The first writer whose interview we will be taking is Jayeeta143 and she will be coming in some minutes!" He said sulking

"This Sheetal is full of attitudes!" Aman muttered under his breathe.

Sheetal raised an eyebrow "did you say something?"

Aman instantly shook his sideways


"She is here!" Sheetal muttered before shouting a come in

Both stood up as the writer walked inside

"Hello Miss.Jayeeta!" Sheetal greeted and shook hands with her

"Hello!" Aman followed the suit

Jayeeta smiled and reciprocated

"Please have a seat!" said Aman

Aman was about to talk when Sheetal beat him and started the conversation

Sulking, he stayed quite

"As you already know that, I am Sheetal Singhania and he is Aman Mathur. We are from AR that is Avid Recognition and organization which is interested to take the interview of the writers who have been writing amazing stories! And also, I am assigned to ask personal questions while Mr. Mathur will be asking you the professional ones! Shall we begin then?" Sheetal asked professionally

Jayeeta nodded

"Ok then! Lets start with the professional questions first!" This time Aman asked before Sheetal

Sheetal looked at him with gritted teeth for the interruption while the latter smirked and Started with his questions

1) First of all, what or who inspired you to become a writer?

------- I have a bitter past and I needed some way to vent out my frustrations regarding this and somehow I felt if I share with some unknown people then maybe they won't judge me. That forced me to open up and write.

2) How did you come across Wattpad and How long have you been writing?

-------By searching randomly in internet. I am writing since I was 13. But started to post them from last 2 years.

3) Are you satisfied with Wattpad? if yes, then What made you think that wattpad is an ideal platform for your writings?

-------I am happy with watty. It is somehow ideal because I felt in watpad if you have talents then you will get recognition no matter what.

4) According to you, what makes a good content? How do you know if a piece of content is doing well?

-------Personally, I feel every story has something good in it. But if I need to specify then the contents should be little realistic. Like, I personally hate when the heroine comes out from coma as soon as a tear drop fell on her or suddenly she found her lost family and become super rich .. 

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