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This lady can never come in time! Aman thought.

He started checking his files.

"How dare you Mr. Mathur?" Aman shuddered when he heard her voice.

"How dare you complain against me to ASR? How could you complain that I was behaving to friendly with the writer? What's your problem? " Sheetal shouted.

"The last time someone complained about me to ASR that I was being over-friendly. Rules are rules. " Aman stated sarcastically.

"YOU!!! " Sheetal was about to speak further but Aman ignored her.

"Stop wasting my time and let's call our never next writer" Aman said.

"As if I am too free" Sheetal said.

"What else do you do other than going to spa and eating people's brain?" Aman murmured.

" So our next writer is Miss. Shreya (Kiddo_Star).  Come in miss. "
Sheetal said.

Aman and Sheetal shook hands with Shreya.

"Let's start with personal questions" Sheetal spoke before Aman.

1. Name - Shreya
Birthday - 17th November
Place - India
Occupation - Babe, I am first year MBBS student, so technically unemployed.

2. What is life according to you? and What do you love about yourself?

* Life is a race. If you don't run fast, people would crush you and run ahead. So, run fast and win.

What do I love about myself? Ummm.. I don't know.. I like a lot of things about myself. What I love the most is that I befriend people easily. So I rarely feel awkward around new people.

3. If you could change one thing in past, what advice would you give to your younger self?

* Study harder babe! Life is a race and you need to win.

4. What are your hobbies? how often you spend time on them?

* Writing and reading! My only hobbies. Earlier even dancing was one but now I hardly get time to dance.

I write a lot. Though not for the past few months or else, I spent a huge time of mine in writing.

5. Do u like pets? If yes, which? and do you have it?

* I love pets. I would love to have a panda as my pet (I know that's crazy but I am crazy for panda)
No! My mom is strictly against any sort of pet so a big no to pets.

6.What's the first thing you will notice while talking with a person for first time?

* I don't notice anything. I just start talking and then as I said, I get comfortable really soon. Being me, it takes time for me to realize if a person is good or bad, if a person is worth my time or not. When I talk to people for the first time, everyone seems good to me.

7. What can you talk all day about?

* Nonsense, I would do! A to Z, 1 to infinity, anything. On track - off track, anything. I just need someone to talk to and I can keep talking the whole day. I don't need a topic to talk about.

8. what is your favourite

a. movie - Harry Potter Series

b. song -My C.O.M.P.L.E.T.E playlist (I cannot do without songs)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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