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"How was your Spa yesterday Miss Kapoor??" Aman asked sarcastically as he saw her gossiping with some colleagues in Canteen.

"Get lost from here Aman, it's none of your business. Alreast let me breathe peacefully in the canteen!!" Sheetal sneered.

"It is my business Miss as ASR was scolding me yesterday about the number of interviews we took. He was expecting us to complete as soon as possible but who can tell him that Miss Kapoor doesn't have time to grace the conference room to conduct them!!!"

"Oh really?? Who is the one who is often busy??"

"At least I spare some time for other things unlike you!!!"


"Com'on the writer is waiting from that time. I don't think he/she can wait anymore!!"

"WHAT!! Why did you call her??"

"Excuse me, what do you mean 'why did I call her', isn't it obvious for her to reach here on the given time!!"

"Yes, but you never said we have a writer coming here for the interview!!"

"As if you were in the office yesterday!!"


"Ok ok!! The Writer will reach here in 15 minutes, I hope you can join me by that time!!"

"Wait, who is the writer, I mean what's the pen name??"

"I don't know let me check the list which is in conference room. I'm going there and you please be there on time!!"

"It's unspokenrain" Aman informed Sheetal as soon as she entered the conference room after 20 minutes.

"Ohh ok!! Call her then what are you waiting for??" She snapped.

"For you to grace your presence!!" Aman said while opening the door for the writer.

"Hello Miss, Welcome to AR!!" Aman cheerfully greeted the writer as soon as she entered the conference room.

"Hey!!" she said, as she walked in.

Sheetal and Aman asked her to take a seat. 

"So let's start with the professional questions", said Aman before Sheetal could take the lead.

1) First of all, what or who inspired you to become a writer?

Once when I was about 12 years old, my sister suggested we should write something, see who comes up with a better story. So while along the way I've found lots of other reasons to write, this was my starting point.

2) How did you come across wattpad and for how long have you been writing?

As I said, I've been writing since I was 12. About 10 years now. If I remember correctly, I came across Wattpad when I used to be active on I-F.

3) Are you satisfied with Wattpad? if yes, then What make you think that Wattpad is an ideal platform for your writings?

Oh definitely. Wattpad is an amazing platform and I wanted to reach an audience beyond Indian fanfictions. Compared to where I used to share my writing, Wattpad felt more professional.

4) According to you, what makes a good content? How do you know if a piece of content is doing well?

I think there are many, many things needed to make a good content. Maybe the biggest things are development and character flaws. I think these are two things that show improvement and reality and as long as the write feels they have done justice to their characters, its doing well – even if there aren't many readers.

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