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"The other day someone was showing me the clock now what happened to that!!!" Sheetal mocked seeing Aman entering the conference room 2 minutes late.

"Ohh hello Madame!! I'm only 2 minutes late not like you who was 30 minutes late!!"

"Whatever!! You are late accept it, 2 minutes or 2 seconds doesn't matter!!"

"Yeah! Why will it matter to you as you go and fill the ears of ASR against me like you did yesterday!!"

"I didn't fill his ears but said the fact that you were behaving over friendly with her!!" Sheetal said enraged with his accusations.

"Whatever, lets proceed with the interview as the next writer is waiting!!"

'Why ASR, did you get only her to pair up with Me!!' Aman asked mentally.

"Yeah, you will say this only as you can't accept your fault!!" Sheetal sneered not able to digest that he is ignored her.

"So, the next writer is SriSsv You can come in Miss!!" Aman called out. 

"Hey Good morning Ma'am. Sorry for making you wait. I know AR is known for its punctuality but we were quite busy!!" Aman said in apologetic tone.

"That's totally fine!!"

"Aren't we getting late now Aman??" Sheetal asked battling her eyelashes.

"Yes yes, please have a seat!!"

"Ok, let's start with the interview!!" Sheetal said not allowing Aman to start his sweet talks.

'Gosh!! He and his way to impress the writers as if he want them to write his biography that how he is handling the great ASR!!' Sheetal thought vehemently.

1. Name: Sri

Birthday: 4th October

Place:Andhra Pradesh-India

Occupation: housewife

2. What or who inspired you to become a writer? This time Aman asked not allowing her to ask

My imagination, my FB friend Arooma and my kiddos

3. What is life according to you? and What do you love about yourself? Sheetal asked beating Aman

Life is a mixture of positive and negative with a bit more of negative. Straight forward nature and not talking about others on their back

4. How did you come across Wattpad and How long have you been writing?

I came across Wattpad through Google search while searching for some random Arshi story. And I started writing from 2013 but posting in Wattpad from 2015

5. If you could change one thing in past, what advice would you give to your younger self?

Study more and well

6. Are you satisfied with Wattpad? if yes, then What make you think that Wattpad is an ideal platform for your writings?

Yeah, Wattpad is good place to write. Vast range of readers and writers and stories and categories around the globe

7. What are your hobbies? how often you spend time on them?

Painting/drawing, Singing, Writing. Writing when need to update, painting/drawing when feels like, singing almost all the day

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