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"You are late!!!" Aman screeched as soon as he saw Sheetal coming inside the conference room where the interviews are to be held

"Ohho!! Now you don't start please and I'm just half an hour late!" Sheetal said glancing at the clock which showed 10:30

Aman was about to say something when she spoke cutting him off

"Don't you dare shout at me or else I'm gonna make sure that ASR fires you. Don't forget he is my friend and will do whatever I wish!!"

"Yeah whatever!" Aman murmured and rolled his eyes

"Look I don't have much time Aman, I have lots of work, so can we please start this soon?" Sheetal asked with high attitude. Sheetal opened her makeup kit and started applying lip gloss

"Yeah, I see, lots of work" Aman said sarcastically, not too audible for Sheetal to hear

"Our writer has already arrived, so if you are done with your makeup shall we begin?" Aman asked faking a smile.

"So who's next?" Asked Sheetal, keeping her makeup kit inside.

"The writer is AnonymousMe91. She.." Sheetal cut him in middle.

"What are you waiting for? Call her inside." Sheetal said.

Aman went to call the writer, rolling his eyes at Sheetal who was behaving as if he was wasting her time.

The writer enters the room with a smile. Sheetal extended her hand to greet her but Aman spoke up before her.

"Hello Miss.Hina" Aman greeted her with a warm smile and shook his hand with her. Sheetal pushed him by shoulder, though not so noticeable and went ahead.

"Welcome to AR, Miss.Hina. Please take a seat" said Sheetal, after shaking her hand with the writer.

Aman and Sheetal sit opposite to the writer, Hina.

"So let's start with personal questions!" Sheetal gave a winning smirk to Aman.

1. Name: Hina Malik
    Birthday: 9th December
    Place: Pakistan
    Occupation: Medical Student

2. What is life according to you? and What do you love about yourself?

⭐Life is full of surprises sometimes happy, sometimes sad and most of the times unpredictable. Despite of all the ups and downs, it is just beautiful the way it is.

It would have been easier to answer if you'd asked what I don't like about myself because there are a handful of things that I want to change in me but since you asked I'd to answer.

I have patience to the size of mountain. It's what my mother says that I can tolerate anything no matter how hard it is and not a single cry would leave me. It's the only reason I am standing strong on my feet.

3. If you could change one thing in past, what advice would you give to your younger self?

⭐ I'd ask her to be more confident and not so-forgiving to everyone around. I am still working on those parts of me. Can't help there.

4.What are your hobbies? And how often do you spend time on it?

⭐ Reading, writing and travelling.

5. Do u like pets? If yes, which? and do you have it?

⭐Oh no. No. I run miles away from them. I am kind of phobic to pets.

6. What's the first thing you will notice while talking with a person for first time?

⭐Their eyes. They are the soul to what lay beneath all the facade people put up to show the world.

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