Chapter 26: Good News

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Klaus Mikaelson

Why's Care crying?" Elena asks walking over.

"She just found out her mom has cancer and might not have long to live," I say rubbing Caroline's back while she sobs into my chest.

"Oh my god," she says putting a hand over her mouth. "Care?"

Caroline pulls away from me and looks at Elena with her tear stained face.

"She's not supposed to leave me yet Elena," she says as she sobs onto Elena's shoulder. "She's supposed to be there for my wedding, my baby's birth, my 10 year wedding anniversary. She's not supposed to leave yet."

"It's okay Caroline," Elena says rubbing her back.

"No it's not okay," she says looking at Elena. "It's never going to be okay."

She then turns to me.

"Can you take me to see my mom please?" she asks more tears streaming down her face.

"Of course love," I say wiping her tears away and then turn toward Elena. "Can you tell Jenna where we went?"

"Of course," she says and puts a hand on Caroline's arm. "Don't lose hope Care."

She only nods as we walk towards the door. I put my hand on the small of her back as I open the passenger door of my car. She gets in and I get in the driver's side. When we reach the hospital I turn toward her and try to wipe her tears away but they keep falling.

I vamp speed to her side of the car and open the door. I pull her into my arms and she starts sobbing. I lead her inside to the front desk.

"How may I help you?" A nurse asks.

"Liz Forbes room," I say and she looks at Caroline sadly.

"Room 184," she says. We walk over to the elevator and once we reach the 2nd floor she pauses outside her mother's door. My phone starts ringing and I answer it.

"Elena," I say and Caroline turns toward me.

"Klaus I know how to save Liz."

"How," Caroline says grabbing the phone out of my hand.

"Vampire blood."

"I've never heard of vampire blood curing cancer," I say knowing she can hear me.

"I just got a call from Enzo and he was asking around for a cure. A vampire named Soko in Japan told him her mother had cancer and she used her vampire friend's blood to cure her. That was 10 years ago and her mother was with her alive and well."

The phone slips from her hand and shatters on the ground. She runs into her mom's room and I run after her. Caroline's phone starts ringing but she doesn't answer it. I grab it and answer it.

"Wait Caroline."

Caroline stops in her tracks. She turns around and I hand her the phone.

"What?" she asks.

"It can't just be any vampire. It has to be an original."

"Thanks," Caroline says looking at me with hope in her eyes. "We'll call back if it works."

She ends the call and jumps into my arms. She kisses me passionately until we get interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Oh sorry mom," Caroline says pulling away.

"Honey why are you here?" Liz asks. "You're supposed to be at the engagement party."

"Mom I found a way to cure cancer," she says running over and hugging her mom.

"What are you talking about honey?" Liz asks giving her a confused look.

"Vampire blood," she says doing a little jump. "Well original vampire blood to be exact."

"How do you know it will work?" Liz asks.

"It's been done before," Caroline says then turns toward me. "Klaus?"

I bite my wrist and pour some in a cup then hand it to Caroline. She hands it to her mom and her mom looks uncertain before she downs it.

"I hope this works," she says then faints.

"MOM," Caroline yells running over. "MOM! NURSE!! NURSE!!"

A nurse runs in and rolls her mom out of the room. We go downstairs to the waiting room and wait anxiously for news.

Elena Gilbert

I dial Caroline's number and she answers after the first ring.

"Care did it work?" I ask pacing in Damon's room.

"I don't know. We're still in the waiting room."

"Do you want me to be there with you?" I ask sitting down on the bed.

"No it's okay. Enjoy your time with Damon. I have Klaus here with me."

"Okay. Call if there's good news," I say and end the call.

Katherine Pierce

I sit in the tub relaxing when I hear a bang outside. I get out and grab my robe. I put on a bra and underwear, slip on the robe, and open the door. Suddenly everything goes black.

A few hours later

I wake up in a dark room and groan in pain.

"Ah Katerina you're awake," Finn says walking out of the darkness. "I'll tell mother it's time for the ritual."

"Ritual?" I ask sitting up. "What ritual?"

"The ritual to kill my siblings and I once and for all," he says walking out.

"No," I whisper. "I need to warn them."

I reach in my pocket and I'm surprised my phone is still there.

"Guess Finn doesn't know to check for phones," I say and dial Elijah's number. "Pick up. Pick up. Pick up."

"Hello Katerina."

"Elijah I need your help," I whisper into the phone.

"Why should I help you when all you did was string me along?"

"I've been kidnapped by Finn and Esther," I whisper.

"Finn and Esther? Why would they kidnap you?"

"They're planning to kill you and your siblings. Please Elijah get me out of here," I plead.

"Fine. First tell me where you are."

"I don't know where I am. Have a witch do a locator spell on me," I whisper and hear footsteps. "Hurry."

I end the call and snap my neck sending myself into darkness.

Finn Mikaelson

I walk into Katerina's cell to get her for the ritual to find her with her neck snapped on the floor.

"That bitch," I say rushing out of the room.

Caroline Forbes

"Daughter of Liz Forbes?" a doctor says walking into the waiting room. Klaus and I run over.

"That's me," I say.

"This is very surprising but your mother's cancer is gone," the doctor says showing us her scans. "It's like it completely disappeared."

"Oh my god," I say tears streaming down my face. I turn towards Klaus and hug him. "My mom isn't going to die!! Thank you."

"You're welcome love," he whispers in my ear.

Word count: 1,099

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