Chapter 28: Goodbye For Now

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Caroline Forbes

"Would you do the honor of becoming my wife?" he asks pulling out a box. I put my hand hand over my mouth and gasp. If I say anything I might burst out in tears. I just nod my head and he slips the ring on my left hand and as he stands up I fall into his arms.

"When did you man up?" I ask laughing into his shoulder.

"Hey!" he says chuckling.

"I love you," I say pulling away from the hug and I bite my lip.

"And I love you," he says pulling me into a kiss. Someone knocks on the door and he pulls away sighing.

"Nik can I borrow Caroline for a sec?" Bekah asks from behind the door.

"If you must," he says and kisses me once more before I head out the door. I hide my left hand in my pocket.

"So did you say yes?" she asks excitedly.

"Oh I don't know," I say smiling as I take my hand out of my pocket and show her. She lets out a shriek of joy and hugs me.

"I think we've finally found Nik's redemption," she says into my shoulder. I just smile and hug her tighter.

"Don't tell anyone yet," I say after pulling away. "I want to tell them at dinner."

"Of course," she says as she smiles and walks away. I walk back into our room and jump on Klaus's back. He turns his head toward me and kisses me. I jump off his back and he turns around. I slide his jacket off and kiss him. He picks me up and throws me on the bed. He hovers over me and I giggle.

"I didn't think you would ever ask me," I say trying to crawl away.

"And why is that?" he asks grabbing me by my waist and pulls me back to his chest.

"You never seemed like the type of guy who likes to settle down," I say and moan as he kisses my neck.

"I might have never been had I not met you," he says and rips off my shirt and he takes off his.

"And what's so special about me?" I ask as I trail my fingers down his chest.

"I love you," he says tipping my face up towards his with his hand. I let out a strangled scream as blood rises up in my throat.

"CAROLINE!," Klaus yells as I rush to the bathroom but I don't make it. I fall to ground and puke blood all over the floor. I feel Klaus wrap his arms around me and I sob into his chest.

"What's happening?" I ask looking into his eyes.

Bonnie Bennett

I wake up to sound of someone banging on the door. I look next to me and don't see Kol. I sigh and walk over to the door. I open the door to Klaus with a scared look in his eyes.

"Klaus what's wrong," I ask searching for an answer in his eyes.

"It's Caroline," he says. "She's puking up blood."

"Let me check what's wrong," I say grabbing my Gram's grimoire. I rush upstairs to find a sweaty shaking Caroline in bed. I flip through the grimoire to find a spell and a vision hits me.

"Hello Bonnie," I hear a voice say behind me and I turn around.

"Grams?" I ask looking at her in shock. I hug her and then pull away quickly. "What's wrong with Caroline?"

"I'm so sorry Bonnie," she says looking at me. "She upset the balance."

"What do you mean upset the balance?" I say looking at her in shock.

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