Chapter 1: Use Mine

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A/N: I know I made you guys wait a crap load of time.....but, here it is now. I had to figure out the right way to this. I wanted it to be at least good. This story is for brilliantstarmlp I hope you enjoy. I hope you ALL enjoy.

Rainbow Dash's POV

So, now I wake up to school today. It was just like all the other days. I went to hang out with the soccer team like I usually do in the morning. Since it was early, classes hadn't started. I hung out with the gang during lunch. I also had some of my classes with some of them. Eventually, the bell rang for our first period. During this class, I had Pinkie with me. We were in science class, we were lab partners, which made things more ridiculous then they should. It was fun to have her as my lab partner though, even if we get into trouble a couple of times.

When we left class, we were on our way to the next one. I had to go to English, she had to go to math.

We went our separate ways and entered our classes. I had this class with Fluttershy. Sometimes, she helped me with this class, I also helped her too. Having this class together gave us a win-win situation.

"Rainbow Dash? Rainbow Dash?" a soft voice said. It was Fluttershy trying to get my attention. I snapped out of my daze and looked at her expectantly.

"Yea?" I asked, my voice a little tired.

"Rainbow Dash!" a loud booming voice came from the front of the class. My teacher yelled, glaring into my eyes. I guess I dozed off a little too long because it was almost the end of class. "I don't know how you get perfect grades in all your classes," he mumbled, although it was loud enough for me to hear. I smiled and looked at Fluttershy who just looked at me with confusion and returned to her work.

After about 10 minutes, the bell rang for us to go to our next class. I didn't have this one with anyone that I hung out with much. This period was math, it wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't so bad.

I raised my hand to answer the question.

"43," I said.

"Good job Rainbow Dash. You can go now," she said. I was gonna go to the library, they needed some help. I guess they thought I would be great at helping. I didn't understand why though. They had called my teacher earlier.

I stepped out of the classroom and headed to the library. I opened the door and entered the huge room.

"You called?" I asked Ms. Cheerilee.

"Yes, I called because someone wanted to talk to you," she said looking over my shoulder to a girl sitting on a table with her legs crossed. I think she went here last year. She was in some of my classes.

"I thought you wanted my help," I said curiously.

"No, I know your teacher very well, that was the only way to convince her," she said. I laughed a little and nodded as I walked towards the girl.

"Hey, you wanted to talk?" I asked. She leaned in and tried to kiss me. I turned my head the other way, making her kiss my cheek instead. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked getting a little angry.

"Honey-boo, you don't remember me?" she asked getting a little whiny. When I heard her voice, all the damn flashbacks came to me like a ball to the face. This little....... lady.... was the one who kept flirting with me two years ago during class. No wonder I didn't remember. I avoided her last year so I guess I kinda forgot. Jolly.

"Why are you here Jolly? I thought you moved schools," I asked raising my voice a little.

"I wanted you back. I am sorry I dumped you," she said trying to look cute. It sure wasn't working.

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