Chapter 6: -Mom-

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Twilight's POV

I wake up and look around. Everyone had fallen asleep in the fort, I guess we did get pretty tired. Spike was curled up with his bird. I don't know who closed the blankets to the fort but it prevents most of the light from getting in, which I think is better. I was still laying on my side and I looked down seeing Rainbow Dash...asleep. She and I were still wearing each others' shirts. I blushed a bit and tried to get up without waking her. I put her head on a pillow and walked to the kitchen.

I started making some food for everyone for when they were awake. I turned on the water but suddenly jumped when I saw Rainbow.

"Rainbow Dash! Jesus Christ! You startled me! I thought you were asleep."

"No, I saw you leave. I...uh...I was awake. I didn't want to wake you up though so I just stayed still. You looked so peaceful," she laughs a bit nervously. I smile and nod.

"Uh...wanna help me? I'm making pancakes."

"Uh...hehe. The best I will do is burn them but I can try. You can teach me though." She smiled and walked over to me. I nod and go to the cupboard and grab the pancake mix. I grab the other needed things and put them on the counter.

"Well, we have to mix these. Could you do that while I find a pan or something for the pancakes?" I walked over to the other counter and looked under in the cupboards. Different ones, I grabbed a flat griddle and put it on the stove then turned it on.

I watched her mix the ingredients together. It didn't look like she didn't know how to cook. Although she was just putting stuff together. I walked over to a drawer and grab a spoon to pour the batter. I turn back to Rainbow and see her licking the batter off the mixer's whisk. She looked at me and stopped then took the whisk to the sink. I laughed and grabbed the bowl and took it over to the stove and poured the batter onto the griddle. I saw Rainbow Dash out the corner of my eye, looking at the bowl, and how I was pouring it. I turned to her and gave her the bowl and spoon.

"Here, you do that. I'll cut some strawberries." She nodded and started pouring it onto the griddle. I sliced the strawberries and grabbed the whipped-cream from the fridge. She put the pancakes that were ready onto plates and I decorated them. I put them on the table and let Rainbow put the rest as I went to get the others. Rarity was still asleep except for Fluttershy who was already folding blankets and stacking them neatly.

"Oh, good morning Twilight. The food smells great," she said. Suddenly I saw Pinkie get up fast and jump towards the kitchen.

"It does smell good!" She ran into the other room where the kitchen was. "Morning Twilight! Dashie!" I laughed as I heard Da..I mean Rainbow, complaining about what Pinkie was doing.

"Where's Applejack and Spike?" I asked, looking outside of the fort.

"Applejack took Spike to his room since she thought there might be some noise after we woke up and he would need more sleep. Then I think she went outside." I nod and start walking back to the kitchen.

"Oh, by the way, we made pancakes," I told her, before leaving. She giggled a bit and followed me.

We sat around the table and started eating our pancakes. Well, Pinkie seemed to be swallowing hers. Everyone seemed to like them, which made me pretty happy.

After we finished eating, everyone packed their stuff and went home. I sat on the couch thinking about how fun that was, to have everyone over. I felt pretty comfortable too like everything was right. Spike came into the room on his computer with the bird on his shoulder. He sat down next to me and turned to me and looked confused.

"What?" I asked.

"You know you're still wearing Rainbow Dash's shirt right?" He said laughing after. I looked down and saw that I was wearing her shirt, I had it buttoned up all the way, I didn't usually wear buttoned shirts, not my style, and I still had her undershirt too...obviously. I guess I have to text her and see if I could go to her house to give it back to her. Also to get mine.

I grabbed my phone and texted her.

-Hey Rainbow, sorry, I know you just left. I just wanted to ask you something.-


Rainbow Dash's POV

Twilight-Hey Rainbow, sorry, I know you just left. I just wanted to ask you something.-

I read aloud in the living room. I was at my house already. Since Rarity picked us all up, she took me back to my house. I didn't live that far though so I could've walked. I thanked her anyway though.

-sure, what's up?-

I saw that she was typing and I got,'s funny...we still have each other's shirts-

I looked down at my shirt and noticed she was right. I laughed and began to type back.

-yea sure, but do you know how to get to my house?-

She typed again.

Twilight-Um...just text me the address or how to get there. I think I can manage. I have my bike so I will take a while-

I smiled and sent her the address and the directions, just in case. I looked around the house and noticed it was somewhat dirty, so I cleaned. I usually don't but I felt like I did. Suddenly, I got another text while I was straightening a pillow on the couch. I looked at my phone, left the pillow, and walked over to it.

Mom-Sweetie, Scootaloo is moving in with you-

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