Chapter 1

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Chapters 1-11 belong to Totter4 on Fanfiction Net

Where I Stood

Helena jumped out of the bed she had been occupying. This couldn't have happened. She had made such an effort to not get involved with all the problems of Mystic Falls. She had come to try to retrain herself after a horcrux had ripped her magic apart when it removed, and here she was, sleeping with an Original.

"This didn't happen." She said clasping her bra on, her back facing her lover.

"Oh, come on, sweetheart. Don't act that way." He said as he leaned back on his forearms with an infuriatingly sexy smirk painted across his face.

She turned around as she pulled on her shirt. "I am going to walk out that door and then we are going to forget this little tryst." She spat out. When his smirk only grew, she felt like slapping him. "I'm serious, Klaus. I don't want a relationship, I don't want anything."

"Whatever you wish, sweetheart."

Two months later, Helena woke up with a groan in a graveyard. What had happened? This wasn't the first time she had awoken a different place than she fell asleep, she'd been kidnapped many a time as she fought a war, but this was the first time it had happened since she defeated Voldemort. She groaned and rolled onto her stomach, pushing herself onto her feet. She looked around. This was not Mystic Falls. She heard voices, and carefully edged towards them, using the walls to support her still woozy head.

"There is not a thing on this earth that will matter enough even thirty more seconds of my time." A familiar accented voice yelled.

What had Klaus gotten her into?

"Not even a special little Potter?" Another voice, female this time, shot back.

She had to get out of here. She stumbled towards a gate, surely it would lead towards an exit. Suddenly, two females stepped in front of her.

"Where do you think you're going?" One said.

At that point, Sirius would have been proud of the bravery she exerted. She was a Gryffindor through and through, after all. "Oh you know. Haven't liked graveyards for a while. Since my friend was murdered in one. Felt like I could use a drink." Helena tried her best to appear strong and ignore the dizziness that persisted.

"I don't think a drink would be best in your condition. Don't want to hurt your baby, do we?" The other woman smirked.

"I'm not pregnant." Helena took a step back. "Anything short of immaculate is impossible." She stumbled back, her back flush against a wall. And it was impossible for her to be pregnant. She hadn't slept with anyone for a long, long time. Except Klaus, but he was a vampire.

The women began to walk towards her, and she took a few sidesteps, trying to escape. She wished she had her magic now more than ever.

"Oh come on, dear." The second continued to speak as she stalked towards Helena. "We're witches. We know when nature has something new."

"I suggest you stop where you are." A clear voice rung out.

Helena turned her head to see Elijah. She breathed a sigh of relief, she may not trust any of the Originals, but she knew none of them would hurt her, especially because of the youngest living brother's persisting crush on her.

"Elijah." She greeted. "Pleasure to see you, again."

"The pleasure is mine, Miss Potter." He said with calculating eyes that made her shift uncomfortably.

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