Chapter 10

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Teddy ran ahead of her as she thanked Kreacher, excited to see all the Weasleys. Helena shook her head as he barreled through the door without knocking. They left New Orleans in the early afternoon, but because of the time difference, they arrived as Mrs. Weasley was getting dinner ready.

"Teddy Lupin! You'll spoil your dinner if you eat that now!" Helena heard Mrs. Weasley yell as she approached the house.

"Teddy, listen to Mrs. Weasley!" Helena tried to help.

"Helena!" She was practically tackled by Mrs. Weasley.

"Mrs. Weasley." Tears filled her eyes. The woman was the closest thing she ever had to a mother. "I missed you."

Molly looked Helena up and down with tears in her eyes. "Oh, Helena, you've been gone too long! Look at you. Still too skinny." Helena laughed at the typical comment. "I heard the news from Ginny! Congratulations! We haven't told the boys yet, figured we'd leave that to you." She winked.

Helena glanced at Teddy quickly to make sure he was occupied. "Teddy doesn't know yet." She whispered.

"Of course, dear. You'll have to tell him soon before you start showing more. Sit. Would you like a cuppa tea?" She bustled around.

"I'm alright, thanks. Do you need any help for dinner?" She offered.

"Nonsense, rest." Molly waved her hand. "Arthur should be home soon." She glanced at the clock. "Still at work, I see." She spun around. "Teddy, dear, go tell Fleur and Bill that Helena is here, please."

"How is Virginia, Helena?" Molly questioned as she waved her wand at some vegetables to enter a pot.

"Actually, I moved to New Orleans. It's where the baby's father's family is, so..." She trailed off and shrugged, placing a hand on her small bump. She had worn a thickly knit sweater that was loose enough to hang to her thigh, hoping to keep her bump under wraps.

"Oh, how nice. What is this man like? His name?" Molly fired off questions.

Helena smiled sadly. "Klaus. He's...protective." She shrugged. "You'll probably meet him eventually. He has to pass the Molly Weasley approval test. And Arthur will surely want to question him about muggle technologies." Helena tried to distract from the topic of Klaus.

"Helena!" Bill swooped in and hugged the girl. She laughed as he spun her around. The Weasleys had come to consider her another sister, especially since Ron's death, they made more attempts to keep her close and involved, not wanting her to isolate herself.

"Bill, put 'er down." Fleur admonished.

"Fleur." Helena smile, glad to see her fellow Triwizard champion. They had become friendly over the years, and thankfully their friendship helped bridge Ginny to her sister-in-law and Fleur was no longer "phlegm".

After a quick discussion, she excused herself to find Teddy. She wanted to tell him about the baby before anyone found out and revealed it. She loved the Weasleys, but Merlin knows, they can't keep a secret.

"Ted, can I talk to you?" She asked after watching him play with Victoire for a moment. He nodded eagerly and scurried over to her. She led him out to the garden where she spent so much time with Ron de-gnoming the garden during summers.

"Teddy, there's something I need to tell you." She began as they sat together in a chair.

"Is it about the fight you and Klaus had?" He asked.

"No-well, maybe. We'll get to that in a second." She sighed. "Teddy, this isn't going to change anything about how much I love you, but I need a favor from you." She took a breath before continuing. "Teddy, I was wondering if you'd be okay with taking on a special role. I need you to be an older brother."

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