Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
They were packed and ready. All of them ready to go to England for the next few weeks. Helena had assured them that they would not be intruding as they were going to be living at a different place. Davina, Marcel, Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus, everyone was going. Rebekah didn't want to go without Marcel and Marcel wouldn't go without Davina. Despite Helena telling them that it was not required to fly there, Elijah insisted to go by plane. They had checked in and were on the flight when Klaus started to question her about her family. "They are really accepting, they won't mind that you are vampires or not. They are amazing."
"How did you meet them?" Klaus asked, even though Helena might have ended their relationship, he still felt something for her. He could not stop thinking about her. He had been sneaking glances at her when she was not looking and everything that he learned about her just made him love her more.
"I met the Weasleys shortly before the train ride on the first day of my first year of school. You see, my aunt and uncle didn't know much about the wizarding world, so obviously they didn't know about," she glanced around to see if there was anyone around them, but the first-class compartment was as deserted as ever, " Platform Nine and Three Quarters. At Kings Cross Station." Helena edited part of her story to make the Dursley's sound like nice people, she didn't want anyone to find out about the abuse that she had suffered at the hands of her so-called relatives.
"Platform Nine and Three Quarters. Right! There is no such thing!" Rebekah scoffed.
"There is. When we are there I will prove it to you. Anyways, the Weasleys showed me how to get onto the platform. We then separated. I accidentally overheard that two of the brothers, the identical twins actually saying that they had seen my car and had wanted to ask me if I remembered what had really taken place that night." Their mother had said not to bring that up as I probably wouldn't want to remember it on my first day of school. The first time that I actually spoke to Ron was about an hour later, I was sitting alone in a compartment when he came in, and he said that all the other compartments were full. We sat in silence for some time before he plucked up the courage to ask about my scar and I showed it to him. That's when the conversation really started. He told me about the wizarding world and I told him about the muggle world. Sometime later some girl with bushy hair comes in, and asks,' Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one.' We shrugged and she saw that Ron had his wand out and was trying to do a spell, 'oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then.' She said that like she knew Ron was gonna fail, 'Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow.' It actually wasn't a real spell. Ron's older twin brothers have given him a fake spell. Most of the incantations are in Latin. You have no idea how amazing it is to have magic. The thrill, the feeling that you can do anything. The part that your emotion plays in helping you control it."
"I might have some idea." Davina said, smiling. "it really likes what you described, the power, the rush, the emotions."
"What did the bushy-haired girl say next?"
"She asked if it was a real spell and that if it was it wasn't a really good one. We only became friends about two months later when Ron and I saved her from a troll." Helena saw the, raised eyebrows of her companions and sighed, "Story for another time."
"So What happened to them?"
"To put it simply, they passed away."
"What was her name?"
"Hermione Jean Granger, my best friend. She was the brains of the group. I was the so-called ringleader. And Ronnie was the info person."
"Info person?" snorted Marcel
"He was the only one of us who had grown up in the wizarding world, so he knew things that we didn't."
"How did you get that scar?" Klaus wondered. Pointing to the lighting shapes scar on her forehead.
"About ten years before I was born, a war started, remember the Lords and Ladies of the council of magic I was telling you about? Well, some of them decided that they didn't want any muggleborns in our community. This man, Thomas Marvalo Riddle, more commonly known as Lord Voldemort, created a group of people who, like him were against muggles and muggleborns. About ten years into the war, a prophecy was made, unfortunately, one of Voldemorts followers heard a few lines of the prophecy, and alerted his master.
"It stated,
'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches
Born to those who've thrice defied him,
Born as the seventh month dies,
And the Dark Lord shall mark her as his equal but she shall have power the Dark Lord knows not,
The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord be born as the seventh month dies.'
"The servant only heard the first part of the prophecy and could not warn his master that by trying to kill the child his was basically killing himself.
" I was born On the way of July. And another girl and her twin were born on the 30th of July. He chooses me so this scar-"
"Is proof that he marked you." The realisation dawned upon Klaus. "How old were you? When he tried to kill you?"
"The first time was when I was fifteen months old. It was Halloween night 1981, around ten, he came in through the front gate and we heard him come through, Dad told Mum to take me and run, and she did so but Voldemort had magically locked all the doors, my mum put me in my cradle And told me that she loved me that Dad loved me stay safe Hela. She knew that her death was inevitable, and covered me with herself. He can and she begged him to spare me, but he kept telling her to move that she didn't have to due but she didn't, she sacrificed her life for me, her love created a shield for me making me untouchable by the death curse. Thus my nickname, 'The Girl Who Lived'."
"The first time?" Klaus asked what he had been wanting to for the entirety for Helena's explanation.
"He has tried to kill me a total of eight times. Don't ask. I'll explain in due time."
The rest of the flight passed quickly, the Mikaelsons kept questioning her about her past and she kept telling them, editing the more gruesome details, they bought her story that she always actually had a good relationship with her Aunt and Uncle.

A/N Next Update; this Thursday

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