Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

She sat in the rocking chair in what was to become her daughters room, writing a letter. She didn't know what she wanted to tell her daughter, she also knew that as long as her mother in law had influence over her enemies, her child would never be safe. There were a few things that he wanted her child to know, about her past, her relationships with her friends and family. Deep in thought, yet she did not write, words on her tongue, yet not knowing how to let them out. The father came and asked her, who she was writing too. "Is it a love letter to one of your many suitors?" She looked up, startled. "Ohhh... don't tell it's me, I thought that I was out of the running ages ago." The father, mocked surprised. "And the award for the biggest ego goes to..." The mother smiled then gasped. The baby had kicked. The fathers eyes widened with concern, "The baby kicked. Do you want to..." She trailed off. He nodded. The mother motioned for him to come beside her. She placed his hand on her swollen abdomen and the baby kicked again. He gasped. Love shone in his eyes, then his face turned expressionless. "Right, I'll leave you to your secret letter." And left.

She returned to her letter.

Dear Alba, Hendika or Hope

To my baby girl.

You're father just asked me if this is a love letter. I guess it kinda is. I never got to know my mother. I have no idea what she must have felt when she carried me. So I thought I'd write to you, so that you could know how happy I am at this very moment, how much your father and I can't wait to meet you. And I want to make you a promise. Three things you will have that I never did. A safe home. Someone to tell you they love you, every single day and someone to fight for you no matter what. In other words, a family. So there you go baby girl. The rest we are gonna have to figure out together. I love you.

Your Mom

The memory came to the forefront of Helena's mind, the pain of losing her child getting the better of her. The letter that her child would never read. Helena knew that she ought to have more hope, but a lifetime of holding on only to be disappointed in the end, had that kind of an effect. Her child. Her daughter. "You should know, this gives me no pleasure." Said Genevieve looking at Klaus who she had just stuck on the wall. "I promise I'll make it quick."

Monique took out a knife and handed it to Genevieve, who cut Helena's stomach open. Doing so, the fully formed child could be easily pulled out.

"Let me hold her, just once, my child." Helena croaked, her voice filled with exhaustion and pain. "Let me know one person in my life. Please." She begged as Klaus screamed, "I will bathe in rivers of your blood."  She had to see her child once and protect her. Helena believed that seeing her child would give her strength to protect her. But she was physically weak. Genevieve nodded and held Helena's daughter towards her, when she raised her head, Monique slit her throat.

A cry rang out and echoed through the room. Not a cry of fear. Not a cry of terror. Not a cry of pain. Not a cry of grief. A cry of such anger that it promised vengeance.

As the witches walked out of the church, Klaus continued screaming until Genevieve used her Magic and snapped His neck. He fell beside Helena's makeshift bed, unconscious.

When Klaus awoke, he pulled Helena into his lap, tears were streaming down his face, falling into Helena's hair. He didn't know how long he had been in that position when he heard someone sit beside him. It was Elijah. The brothers, however close they were, were not comfortable with physical contact. At the time though, Klaus was craving the touch of his brother. Without realising it, Klaus started to lean into his brother's shoulder. Elijah realised and started stroking Klaus hair. Elijah too was grieving, her had completely fallen for Ginny and now didn't know how Ginny was going to cope with the loss of her best friend. When Klaus finally got himself under control, Elijah Asked, "How?"

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