Chapter 3

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The next morning, Helena awoke to Klaus knocking on her door. She'd taken a dreamless sleep potion to avoid any unwanted nightmares to creep in. She didn't want Klaus and Elijah to uncover that her night terrors were actually memories, because that would lead to more questions. She turned on her side and buried herself under the blankets when she heard to knock. When she didn't respond, Klaus slowly opened the door. He couldn't help the smile that crossed his face when he saw how abnormally undone she looked.

"C'mon, love." He urged as he gently shook her shoulder.

"Ron, I will maim and seriously injure you if you don't leave, now." She grumbled.

"Wake up, we have your doctor coming." Klaus ignored her sleep-induced grumbles.

"Ronnn." She groaned when her eyes suddenly shot opened. "Klaus?" She asked. Oh god. Tears filled her eyes. Because Ron and Hermione could no longer wake her up. In the summers, when she spent time with the Weasleys, Ron or Ginny would always wake her up abruptly in the morning, and similar things happened when they camped together while tracking down Horcruxes. She got up and before Klaus could blink, she ran to the bathroom, and locked the door.

He knocked on the door, feeling out of place and uncomfortable. This girl was carrying his child and was calling out another man's name in her sleep. "Is everything alright?" When no one responded, he sighed angrily. "You have an hour." And he stormed out. He could hear that she was alright, but that she was crying. He tried to make himself not care by going downstairs for a glass of blood. He had daggered Elijah the previous night, so it was going to be just he and Helena for the next seven or so months. Especially because he was not letting the woman out of his house for the foreseeable future: he didn't want the witches or Marcel getting their hands on his child...or Helena for that matter. He shook his head, he didn't want to care for this girl. She'd be gone before he knew it and he'd have eternity without her. People he loved disappointed him and he was tired of it.

Helena slowly descended the stairs wearing a loose grey sweater and black jeans. Her mood was low since she woke up because of she forced herself to remember that her best friends-her brother and sister in arms- were dead. She silently passed Klaus, who didn't look up from his book, and entered the kitchen as she made herself tea. She waited for the water to boil and sat down at the table, looking at the wall, but not seeing. She was remembering fond moments of Ron and Hermione: the first true Christmas she ever had, Ron and the Twins saving her from Privet Drive, and on and on. She didn't hear the water sound at first, drawing Klaus into the room. When he turned the kettle off, she shook herself out of her reverie. She shook her head and got up, grabbing the mug she intended to use. Klaus held his hand out for the mug and filled it for her before handing it back to her.

"Thank you." She said quietly.

And he left the room. That was that.

She sat at the table, sipping her tea, as she wrote a letter to her godson.

Hello dear Teddy.

I'm sorry I didn't write yet this week, but I've taken a sabbatical to New Orleans. It's incredibly different from England here, much warmer, almost no rain. What color is your hair this week, little wolf? How is your grandmother? I hope you two made it to the Weasley dinner this week. Please tell Molly and Arthur that I will visit when I can.

I've been thinking of your father recently and how proud he would be of how big you're getting. Did you know his nickname among his friends was Moony? Funny, yes? I'm sure Sirius thought it was funny and your dad didn't appreciate it for some time. Next time O see you, I want to show you the Marauder's Map. It was a work of genius, and I'm sure it almost completely came from your dad. You'll see his handwriting and magic woven intricately.

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