Chapter 12

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As Helena made her way back to the compound, fury burned through her veins. That anger clouded her judgement as she thought about what she would do to Marcel. He deserved to be punished, that was for sure. Maybe the Cruciatus Curse would be a good punishment, or maybe she should use the Imperius Curse and force him to do what she willed for a few days. He was not a human thus it wasn't illegal for her to use the unforgivable curses on him, the death curse would obviously have no effect considering the fact that he was already dead. What he had done to wolves was beyond cruel. She understood the fact that wolves and vampires were mortal enemies but it was not right for him to curse them to such a fate.

Helena stormed into the compound, determined to take Marcel by the scruff of his neck and force him to find a witch willing to help him lift the curse. Helena knew that it would be near impossible for Marcel to be able to find a witch willing to do anything for him due to the fact that he had forbidden them from using their magic, but it would downright impossible for him to find a witch willing to help the werewolves, due to the prejudice witches had toward werewolves. If it really came to that, Helena knew that she would do it and make Marcel pay. She hoped that at least one of the witches would be compassionate enough to get over his or her hatred of Marcel and help the werewolves. If it came to the point that she would have to reveal he true self, to help these wolves, she knew she would do so without a second thought. She knew she owed that much to Remus.

As she walked through the compound, rage radiating off of her, Klaus came and stood in front of her, arms crossed, looking every part the worried father of Helena's child. "I thought I left you in the church for a reason."

"You can scold me for being 'reckless' another time, right now I need to speak with Marcel. He and I need to have a very long chat about cursing people."

"Why? What did he do?" Klaus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He cursed a whole lot of werewolves into only turning human during the full moon. The rest of the time, they are running around as wolves. As you can see, Klaus, I kind of have something to settle with Marcel, so if you'll excuse me."

"You won't find Marcel here, he's with Davina. Now come with me, or I swear to god I will drag you back to the church, kicking or screaming." Klaus said in this calm voice that Helena had heard too many times, be it from her friends, Molly, Arthur or any other parental figure.

Whether it was from the hormones or from the anger that she was still harbouring toward Marcel, Helena started laughing her head off, and by doing so attracting the attention of every vampire in the compound.

Klaus, not used to his threats being dismissed so easily, glared daggers at Helena. If looks could kill, Helena would be long dead.

Rebekah slammed her palm to her forehead, and muttered, "Oh no."

Elijah looked slightly amused but said nothing to either of them.

The other vampires looked to see how the terrible, cruel, Niklaus Mikaelson would deal with the woman who dared laugh at him.

"You will drag me, kicking and screaming? You?" Helena asked when she had gotten her laughter under control, "My dear man the only reason you have been able to order me around is because I have allowed you too. I don't take orders. Do well to remember that."

Everyone looked at Klaus and Klaus stared at Helena, as if he was trying to figure out who had replaced his timid Helena with this fearless woman, who questioned him. Helena stared right back, anger still visible in her eyes.

It seemed like time had been frozen, no one moved, no one said anything, no one expected what came next. Klaus started laughing, it started off as a small chuckle, and turned into a loud laugh. It wasn't a kind of evil cackle that people expected from him, it was a type of laugh that made people believe that he had truly found something humorous. The rest of the people in the compound stared in shock, including Rebekah and Elijah. Slowly people started clearing out of the compound, not wanting to be there when the fireworks started, so as to not get caught in the crossfire. This time it was Helena, nodding her head and raising her eyebrow.

"You? You think that I can't have my way with you? My dear woman, I will compel you if that's what it takes for you to take your life and the life inside of you seriously."

"I take my life seriously, but what I take more seriously is the lives of others, this is where we differ, for you it is always your life before others which is why you will never know the power of love."

"Now that's where you are wrong, I take my life seriously, that's true, but I also take the lives of my family as seriously as my own, not of some random stranger that I met minutes or hours ago. It is not your job to protect everyone. A family will always protect its own, a pack will protect its own. It's the way it is."

"It's the people like you, that makes this world so selfish," Helena scoffed, "Why can't you help or protect someone who is not your own? Why? It's selfish, selfish to only want to protect your own."

"Helena, if we don't look out for our own, no one will."

"I'm not saying that we shouldn't care for our own, I'm just saying that it isn't a crime to care for someone who you don't know. Now tell me where Marcel is."

"I'm here. Why are you looking for me?"

Hearing Marcel speaking so flippantly, increased her fury tenfold, all sense forgotten, she spun around, grabbed Marcel by the throat and threw him into the wall, once he was down, she made her way to him and said "I know what you did to the wolves. And I have a pretty good idea on what I am gonna do to you if you do not remove the ban of no magic and go to each and every witch, apart from Davina, and beg for their help, in reversing the curse. If all of them refuse you then you can ask Davina to do so, in the unlikely event that she refuses you, you will find someone to do it for you. Am I understood? Oh, and if you think that I throwing you into the wall was bad you have no idea of what I can do."

The rest of the compound was frozen again. This time it included Klaus. Helena blinked, turned her head to get a good view of everyone, raised he eyebrow and asked, "If you don't wanna be on the receiving end of that, I suggest that the whole lot of you get to work. And umm, if I find out that anyone has helped Marcel in this little task that I have set him, that person will really regret it." Helena smiled sweetly while saying the last sentence.

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