Chapter 4

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Helena had never felt more babied in her life. She truly tried to follow Klaus' rules, but she couldn't stay cooped up inside all day anymore. She had been able to send two letters to her godson in the month that she'd been in New Orleans. She used to send him that many a letters a week. She needed to get out. She waited until Klaus and Rebekah had left before she slipped on another dress with her trusty boots and a jean jacket. She slipped a knife in her boot for safety before she left. She didn't have a car, but it was only two miles before she came to a bus stop. She waited nervously for a bus, knowing if Klaus found out she had left, he'd throw a fit. She figured that today's music festival would bring so many people into the quarter that she'd never be found.

She arrived a short while later, already seeing the quarter-wide party in full swing. She laughed as she saw two people dancing throwing beads to friends. She shook her head when a man came to invite her to dance with others, but as he persisted, she agreed. She hadn't had this much fun in a long time. She was passed between dance partners, before tiring enough to get a drink. She walked to a cafe around the corner and sat down outside.

"May I have an iced tea?" She asked the waitress.

She waited for her drink and watched everyone dancing together to street music and having a good time. Everyone looked so happy and unweighted.

A man sat in front of her. "Who do we have here?" He said with a charming smile.

"Helena." She said politely, nodding her head at the waitress who delivered her drink.

"And what you must be new, judging by your accent." He leaned in.

Helena shifted in her seat. "And what is your name Mr. New Orleans?" She said cutely.

"Marcel." His eyes tightened, looking for a response to his name. When he saw none, he continued. "See, here's the thing. This is my quarter. And you smell like the Mikaelsons."

She put her tea down, suddenly growing worried. "I'm sorry, what?"

He grabbed her hand tightly and she gasped. "What are you doing here? What did Klaus send you to do?" He hissed.

"Please, you're hurting me." She tried to free her hand, but was unable to.

"You're human." He said, surprised. He let go of her hand and she held it close to her, rubbing her wrist.

"I know nothing of what is going on between you and Klaus."

"I think it's best if you come with me." Damn her Potter luck.

"I disagree." She said, but he grabbed her arm, pulling her up.

"Welcome to New Orleans, Miss Helena." He smiled. "We must catch up. Klaus and I are old friends and I can't wait to hear your story."

Helena found herself in some type of compound in New Orleans. She hadn't said a word since Marcel had taken her, but he had yet to harm her.

"Thierry. Tell Klaus his human pet is here. That I'd like a word with him."

Great, Helena thought, Klaus was going to rip her head from her shoulders.

"Could I use a bathroom, please." She asked Marcel. She didn't want to be here when Klaus first arrived.

"Of course, Diego." He indicated she follow the vampire. She looked hesitant, and he was quick to reassure you. "No harm will come to you while you are here, Helena. I just would like a chat with an old friend."

She still didn't trust him, but followed Diego up the stairs. After she washed her hands, she found that Diego had waited for her outside the door. She decided to test her luck. "What is going on between Klaus and Marcel?" She asked softly, trying to look intimidated.

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