Chapter 1

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After spending most of my life in front of a closet, looking for the perfect outfit to wear... it was refreshing to wake up in the morning and already have a uniform waiting.

Unlike my previous High School, I was now transferred to a private school. It had its own uniform and extra curricular activities, the kind you would not find in a public school.

I would have much rather gone for home schooling and a part time job but seeing as it would be my parents paying for my education, I did not really have much of a decision.

Now, my uniform I would be wearing every school day would be a knee length black skirt, white button down shirt, a black tie with the school symbol on it and a black blazer.

The only thing the school allowed us to swap out was the shoes and the hair styles.

Currently, I was sporting my uniform with a pair of black sneakers and my hair was hanging down over my face. The drive to school took a total of five minutes and I still managed to miss the first bell of the day.

"What did you say your name is?"

"Jewel Phillips." I informed the blonde seated behind the front desk.

Unlike public school's, the office was now known as a front desk. It was situated right in the middle of the hallway and could be seen the moment you entered the school. The only bad thing about the destination of the front desk was the fact that anyone could listen in.

"Ah, here it is." The blonde practically exclaimed before dropping a thick file on the desk.

"Great." I arched an eyebrow at her loud behaviour.

Was she really that much of an attention seeker?

"Here is the schedule and the locker number and combination. There should be a school map around here somewhere." She muttered and shuffled through the file.

"No need for that, Mimi. I will show her around."

I turned to look down at the petite brunette at the same time the blonde did.

"Shouldn't you be in class already?" The blonde, Mimi, asked rather rudely.

"Probably, but you know how Gavin can be. He just manages to be late every single morning."

Mimi stopped listening after that. Instead, she started searching frantically behind the brunette.

I knew the signs already. The way the blonde was acting was the same way I did two years ago.

"Where is your brother?"

"He is in college, and by the way you are way too old for him, Mimi. Stop acting like a cougar."

Mimi's mouth dropped open an inch before she narrowed her eyes on the brunette.

"I am not that-"

"As fascinating as this has been, I really need to get going. Thank you for the schedule and stuff."

I cut in, promptly scooping up the papers before turning towards the hallway.

"Hey, I need to show you the way!" The brunette called out as soon as I started walking.

Barely a second later she fell into step with me and glanced at my school schedule.

"Damn, you must be a genius. Mathematics, Biology, Architecture..." The girl continued to mutter the rest of my subjects. "Oh, at least you got Music & Instruments. I almost thought I tied myself up with a complete nerd. What instrument do you play?"

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