Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Do you mind if we join you?"

I looked up at the sound of Gavin's voice. I have been so consumed in my grief and guilt that I didn't even hear the door to the room opening.

Sighing shakily, I ran my fingers beneath my eyes, knowing my face was a mess. I have been crying nonstop for at least an hour now and I still haven't gotten control over my emotions.

"Yeah, sure..." I whispered, my voice scratching from all the crying.

I was currently seated on one of the chairs in the room that I had dragged right up to the cot. My hand was still placed on the edge of the cot. I felt like, if I moved it, Grace would disappear just like Hope did that day.

Gavin dragged a chair up to my side and gently pulled me towards him once he was seated.

I rested my head against his shoulder and sniffed a few times, trying to keep from crying again.

It was only when I heard two other chairs being dragged, that I noticed Eddie and Max taking a seat on the other side of the cot.

"Your mother told us about the accident." Max explained.

"I am sorry for what I said to you that first time we tried working on the project." Eddie added.

The way his voice strained around the words, I could tell that guilt was eating at him.

I forced a small smile at him before turning my gaze back to the baby in the cot. She looked like she was asleep, her entire face giving off the image that she was at peace when in reality; she couldn't even keep herself alive.

"Is she your sister?"

I smiled lightly at Eddie's question and spared Gavin a brief glance as he rested his arm on my shoulders. His grip tightened a little in reassurance and I lifted my gaze towards the two people I now considered to be my close friends.

"She is my daughter."

Max and Eddie both inhaled sharply, choking on the air in the process.

"Yo-your d-dau-daughter?" Max stuttered out, her mouth hanging slightly open.

"Yes, she's my daughter." I confirmed, lowering my hands into my lap.

"You knew about this?"

Max's question was directed at Gavin, who nodded in confirmation.

"She told me about the accident a few weeks after you became friends and showed me Grace the day after her arm surgery." Gavin explained, his hand tightening on my shoulder. "When I asked her to be my girlfriend, she brought me here and told me about Grace. She didn't want me to date her if I didn't know about all of her secrets."

"Oh..." Max whispered, leaning forward onto her hands.

A few seconds of silence descended on us.

"Is this why you cut yourself?" Eddie spoke up first.

Max gasped and proceeded to slap Eddie's shoulder, her eyes narrowed.

"You don't just ask people something like that!" She scolded.

"I was just asking since she already revealed this." Eddie stated, gesturing towards Grace.

"Still! That is extremely rude."

"It's alright Max." I cut in before she could continue.

Eddie and Max both turned their eyes towards me, looking more interested than they wanted to.

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