Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"You do realize that I am going to have to tell my parents about this sometime, right?"

I watched in fascination as Gavin went about packing up the few belongings I had taken out of my bag the night before. I would have done it myself but he kept grumbling to me about my injured arm and that it could hurt me. I disagreed but after a few minutes of arguing with him, it became clear that he was a lot more stubborn that I would ever be.

"I know that, I am just suggesting that we tell him after he has calmed down completely. It is very clear that he was still running on angry fumes when he left the room last night." His words sounded slightly slurred by sleep. It was easy to see that he was also very far from being a morning person.

"Basically, we have to keep it a secret until we are out of town because you're scared of my father?"

Gavin stopped in his movement and glared over at me.

"I am not scared of your father." He grumbled. "I'm just being careful of his moods."

He reached behind his head and scratched the back of his neck.

"Sure, because that doesn't sound like you're scared at all." I stated sarcastically. "Gavin, I don't know whether you learned this or not but being careful or scared is basically the same thing."

"It is not!"

"In a dictionary... no, it does not." I relented. "Though, in the sentence you are using the word, it certainly does come down to the same thing. You, my dear boyfriend, are scared of my daddy and his licensed gun."

Gavin's frown deepened while his gaze ran over the room, checking if he got everything. When he got a satisfied smile on his face, his glare returned to me.

"You, my sweet girlfriend, are not helping with my wariness at all."

I finally could not stop the wide grin from spreading over my face.

"You mean fear?" I taunted.

Sighing, Gavin lazily made his way over to my bed and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. He leaned back a little with his hands pressed on the bed on either side of me, his face inches from mine. Slowly, a smile formed on his lips and I could not help myself from admiring his good looks. From his pure green eyes and long black lashes, too his messy dark mop of hair that desperately needed a cut. His dimples came onto display and I was suddenly distracted by all the fine details of his perfect face.

I am pretty sure it is illegal to look that good, this early in the morning.

"I will admit to being slightly scared of your father," He murmured and briefly glanced down at my lips. "But, that does not change the fact that we can wait a few more hours before letting them know that we're a couple." He placed another kiss on my lips before straightening out.

"Jewel, you look so much better!"

Gavin instantly took a startled step away from me, knocking over the chair behind him in his haste.

The clattering and the squeal of my sister's excitement almost deafened me before I felt the side of my head being pressed to someone's chest. It did not take much time for me to realize it is my mother holding me to her in the most awkward position known to human kind.

"Does this mean you get to come home now?" Daphne exclaimed while climbing onto the bed.

Her voice was filled with so much excitement that I almost wanted to lie to her.

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