9; full moon

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Coughing, I swat Lydia's hand away as she tries to apply more makeup on my face

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Coughing, I swat Lydia's hand away as she tries to apply more makeup on my face.

"Lydia! Stop!" I exclaimed, sneezing afterwards. "I think that's more makeup than enough."

Lydia removed my hands from her arms and applied more makeup on my cheeks. "No, you look very pale, Star. You need more blush and some color on your lip."

I groaned once she was done applying the blush on my cheeks and groan even more when I saw her pull out a lipstick.

"Pout." Lydia said and I pout, annoyed.

"If it wasn't for everyone's safety, I wouldn't have done this." I mumbled after Lydia applied the lipstick on my lips.

The strawberry blonde angel handed me a compact mirror. I was left speechless when I saw myself.

Lydia chuckled softly. "What do you think? Beautiful, right?"

Stuttering, I clear my throat. "I-I... I look... slightly less disgusting."

Lydia rolled her eyes at me. "And you're the one who always calls yourself cute and adorable."

Lydia made me wear two inch high heels, and I stumbled a lot as we got out of the girls' locker room. The bell rang, as if cue, and I took a deep breath. Liam's room was just down the stairs.

"You can do this. Just try real hard not to trip and fall."

Nodding, I walked down the hall and at the corner of my eyes, I saw Liam getting out of the classroom with Mason. I faced him with a smile and he stopped moving, just staring at me.

I can do this. If I can eat three boxes of pizza in one day, then I can easily succeed this trick.

As I began walking down the stairs, my eyes didn't left Liam's. Everything was going fine.

Or so I thought.

I felt my left foot trip on the step and without any choice, I fell down the stairs. With my eyes close and anticipation, I wait for the impact. But I felt none.

Instead, I felt a pair of arms caught me.

I opened my eyes slowly, and saw those blue eyes once again. My arms — which I didn't know that they were holding onto Liam's shoulders — tightened around him and a shriek left my lips as we both fell to the floor.

An "oof!" was heard as Liam and I landed on the floor, though I felt no pain on my back but weight. Liam was on top of me, our face extremely close as our nose were already touching. One wrong move and the dangerously small gap between our lips will be closed.

"A–Are you okay?" asked Liam with a low, husky voice.

Somehow my heart was thumping out of my ribcage, and I figured that it wasn't just because of our position and the embarrassment, but his voice.

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