10; like me

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Third Person.

Both Star and Liam weren't having control of their shift as they got closer to the boathouse

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Both Star and Liam weren't having control of their shift as they got closer to the boathouse. Both were growling, roaring, eyes glowing into golden yellow and the other is a striking one. Talons and claws try to reach out and scratch Kira and Scott.

With a snarling Liam and a growling Star, Scott grabbed Liam's wrists with one hand and the other grabbed onto Star's wrists.

"I got them! Grab their hands!" Scott shouted as he struggled to keep holding onto his betas' wrists.

Kira wrapped chains around the two, but Liam quickly moved and tried to attack Scott. Kira panicked and grab a boat pedal, using it to hit Liam, knocking him unconscious. Star tried to reach out for her, snarling, but with panic again, Kira accidentally hit Star with it.

"Oh God. I didn't kill them, did I?" Kira frantically asked Scott.

"No. They're out cold." Scott told her.

"I hope Stiles is having better luck."

Meanwhile, Stiles had put the chains on Malia's wrists tighter than usual, but the latter told him to tighten it even more. A pissed off Lydia was roaming around her house, scolding any teenager that's doing something she doesn't like and a delivery guy with a keg came in the kitchen.


Scott and Kira were slow dancing and it soon turned out to be a make out session. They weren't alarmed about what's happening, but both betas were awaken.

Scott felt heat a few feet away from him and Kira after Kira told him that she heard him growl, although it wasn't Scott, it was Liam. The beta had broken free from the chains, running pass the two and going through the window, leaving it broken with shattered pieces of glass on the ground.

"Scott... Scott!" Kira yelled to him and he turned around.

There was Star, snarling at them. Her eyes were glowing yellow, but it had a hint of red and orange into it. It looked like yellow flames. The chains around the beta was turning into a reddish orangy color, and the two felt the Heat and hotness from the chains.

"Is she burning the chains?" Kira asked, backing away from the beta as Scott walked towards his beta.

"She doesn't have control." Scott murmured, trying to be calm about it. Then something came to his mind, something that Stiles and Deaton said. "Kira, dump water on her. And don't stop until she pass out."

Without any other word being said, Scott ran and followed Liam into the woods. Kira quickly grabbed a bucket and went over to the lake, filling the bucket up with the cold water. Running, she dumped the bucket of water onto Star, who's skin and chains steamed up and Kira felt the heat decreasing. She kept dumping water on her for three more times until there were no more heat felt and Star had passed out.

Meanwhile, Scott was looking for Liam and he was pushed against a tree by him. Liam was about to hurt him when an arrow came flying through the air and it landed on the tree just above Scott's head. Sparks came out of it and Liam covered his eyes, yelling in pain and running off again. Scott saw Chris Argent standing not too far away from him with a bow. The hunter walked over to him and helped him up.

"How'd you know?" asked Scott with a small smile on his face.

"I got your text."

After telling Scott that he should start using his own words, Scott went after his beta, who was currently on the ground, while yelling as the familiar sound of emitters were heard. Scott pressed the small control button and the emitters stopped as the true Alpha approaches his beta.

Liam looked at him, and it looked like he was crying. "What's happening to me?"

"The same thing that happened to me."

Back at the boathouse, Star woke up. With no talons, no fangs, no glowing eyes. Kira rushed to her.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm—" Star stopped talking when she saw a huge and deep scratch on Kira's leg, blood coming out of it, and a small cut on Kira's cheek. She looked up at the girl with tears in her eyes. "I... I did that?"

Kira glanced at her wound, which was healing and gently smiled at the younger girl in front of her. She took the girl into a hug, Star leaning her head onto her chest as a few tears escaped her eyes. She had never felt so awful and guilty in her life.

"I'm sorry..." her voice came out shakily and hoarse. "I'm such a monster."

"No. You're not, and never will be a monster."

Back at the woods, Scott had knelt in front of his beta. "They can't know about this." Liam cried out.

"My sister, my mom, my step dad. I can't do this to them again."

"What do you mean "again?"." Scott asked the young man.

"I got kicked out of school, and I deserve it. The way they looked at me when they saw what I did to that car..."

"Liam, it's okay."

"They can't see me like this. Like..." Liam's voice rang through Star's ears as she kept leaning on Kira.

"Like a monster?" Star then heard Scott's voice. "You're not a monster. You're a werewolf,"

Somehow, Star felt Scott's eyes glowing and without any control of hers, she felt her eyes glowed as well.

"Like me."



Episode four, done.

This is so short, my bad. I did my very best to include Star into the Liam and Scott scene, and I'm loving her friendship and closeness with Kira. It's said y'all. "You're not a monster. You're a werewolf. Like me."

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