Thank You!

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First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who's reading PHOENIX!

You don't know how happy I am with all the accomplishments I've done, and that's all because of you!

I'd like to give special thanks to these awesome people:

jewelsbernaaal and poojxshxh

Thank you for voting to every single chapter that I publish! This means so much to me and I don't know if this is enough to thank you two, but thank you for the support that you never fail to give me!❤️

And special thanks to this lovely peep:


Thank you for your comment! You added more inspiration for me to continue on writing chapters and updating!

Nontheless, thank you to whoever is reading my book! Thank you! Don't be shy to comment, I'll always reply! Your comments make my day❤️

Nontheless, thank you to whoever is reading my book! Thank you! Don't be shy to comment, I'll always reply! Your comments make my day❤️

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