6.1K 86 19

PHOENIX is officially completed!

We made it 30 chapters far guys with 45,056 words overall!

Thank you! This is the first ever book that I've ever completed, and I'm in tears for reaching 6k reads (and counting!). My biggest achievement so far.

No words can describe how happy I am with all the people that's reading my book, and how happy I am that I finally finished a book! I can't, I'm not crying, you are.

Thank you to everyone who keeps reading even though my writing sucks, thank you to everyone who's voting for every chapter, thank you to everyone who's adding my book to their reading list. Overall, I simply thank you for reading.

I may or may not have started writing the sequel of Phoenix 😜

Goodbye for now!

— your author,

these are the previous covers of PHOENIX:



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