30: My princess

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I was too focused on them that I didn't notice a shopkeeper was looking at me.

I immediately stood straight and acted formally. "It's very alright Madam, I'm actually seeking a corsage for a beautiful lady that I plan to escort to a dance with" I said.

"Oh! I see now!" The women smirked and laughed finding it adorable.

"She couldn't say no to an adorable boy like you!" She chuckled.

I laughed along with her and looked down to show that I was embarrassed.

"They are over there" she pointed somewhere in the shop which was a shelf with loads of different color corsages.

I bowed and thanked her. When she walked away, the expression on my face quickly changed and I was back focusing on Meiko.

But right as I looked at their direction, I saw her friend noticing my presence.

She looked at me with her narrowed eyes for a few seconds but then looked away. She must have not recognized me, which was good.

I turned around casually and looked around the place, then I walked outside the shop and sat down on a bench waiting for them.

I could see someone so breathtaking through the glass window of the shop. It was my one and only Meiko. She looked absolutely stunning that my mouth fell wide open.

How is she real? How is she a living breathing person walking on this earth of ours? On the same earth as me? She always found a way to surprise me all the time.

Unfortunately she went back in and changed her clothes again. I then waited for her to finish buying her dress.

"Look, that one is pretty!" Her friend pointed her index finger at a necklace.

Meiko nodded, "you're right but.. oh my god.. look at that one over there.." she gazed at a silver necklace which had the shape of black rose on it.

"It's totally your type!" Her friend pointed it.

Meiko sighed and tricked her fingers on the glass which separated the necklace and her. "I would buy it but it's too expensive.. and I already spent the money on the dress." She said sadly.

Her friend put her hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "It's alright, it won't go away, come back another time and maybe you can get it!" She nodded.

It was just two days till the dance. Since it was a school night, Meiko went home early after buying the dress.

I also went home, after a day of observing her, it was tiring to always keep alerted everywhere she went. I needed my goodnight sleep.

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