44: Hug me

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I cried as I looked at the family photos around her house. Sure she betrayed me at the end but.. thinking of all the things we did together it made me forget.

Tears were running down my cheeks as I lifted up a frame to get a better look at her.

There were other people crowded in her house as a funeral took place.

"It sucks right?" I heard someone behind me.

I turned around to see who it was, and surprisingly it was guy with black hair and in a black suit.. Jungkook. He looked extremely different I almost didn't recognize him for a second.

"Y-Yeah.. I'm so upset, I just don't understand why she would kill herself.. and on top of it all she cut? The last time she told me to stop-" I froze as I remembered I shouldn't reveal my secret.

"I mean.. she told me herself she would never harm herself.. not to mention she seemed fine just the day before.. oh god.. first it was Yoongi.. and now her? Why is this happening to me..?" I started to weep in front of him. I didn't care at all if I looked ugly while crying, I was too heartbroken by what happened.

"I'm so sorry Meiko.." he looked at me in pity. "I'm also upset this is happening.."

He spread his arms out and moved his chest closer to mine for a hug.

It honestly felt nice, I felt just a little better as I hugged him back, but not fully.

After about a minute, I finally let go of him and wiped my tears from my eyes.

"Oh!" Jungkook looks at something around my neck.

"What a lovely necklace.."

I look down and ran my fingers through my necklace that I've been wearing non-stop.

"Thank you.. Yoongi gave it to me the night he got.." I stopped mid-sentence because I didn't want to say the word.

The expression on Jungkook's face darkened as I mentioned Yoongi's name.

"Ah.. of course" he fake smiled at me.

Little did I know that in the inside, Jungkook was filled with rage at the thought of me keeping something Yoongi gave me.

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