45: Forget him

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This fanfic is a mature fanfic, I can't spoil anything but all I can tell you is that. Things happen in the future chapters.. there will be around 60 chapters in total of this story btw.
And no, I won't write smut.


I walked to school by myself today. As I arrived, everyone started to stare at me and also whisper to themselves. Probably because everyone who I cared about is dead.

I had other friends in this school but.. the only ones I actually wanted to hang out was with Yoongi or Song. But I guess I'll just stay a loner, maybe it's better if I don't get along with anyone at all.

"You must be annoyed" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around to see who it was and to my surprise it was the silent boy that talks to no one.. Jungkook.

"Yeah, but I'm okay with ignoring the people. I don't care really." I told him.

"How are you?" He asked me.

I bit my lip and continued to search for my books for the next class. "I'm coping." I mumbled.

Jungkook thought about what he was going to say next. He was honestly feeling nervous but in his head a voice kept saying 'ask her! ask her!'

He took a deep breath and finally asked what he wanted to say for quite a while now.

"How about you.. clear your mind"


"I mean like.. I don't know, like a date?" He asked.

I froze what I was doing and closed my eyes.

Jungkook... asking me.. on a date?

"Jungkook.. you're a sweet guy and people need to know that but.. I don't think I'm ready.." I said to him.


"I mean, My ex friend just died.. and also.." I touched my necklace. "Even though Yoongi is gone.. I still love him.."

Jungkook's expression on his face immediately changed when he heard the word 'Yoongi' and 'Love'

He began to clench his fists and breathed heavily, he looked kind of intimidating to me.

I've never seen him this mad before. Actually.. I've never seen him mad at all before. But honestly he looked like a guy who you shouldn't mess with.

"I don't fucking get you" he said.

"He's gone Meiko.. HE'S GONE! HE CAN'T COME BACK NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO!" He raised his voice at me.

I was shocked by what he said. Does he really think I can just forget my first love that easily?

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