Chapter One: Evangeline

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Cal's eyes are usually filled with fire, something deep and dark, that you cannot control. But for the first time in my life, there is nothing. He stares off into the distance, emotionless. He practically drifts throughout his days, an empty shell. It scares me more than anything.

"I saw her," I whisper, my voice betraying more emotion than I would like. His eyes meet mine and his fire is back, raging like never before. We both know who she is. "I watched her as Maven took everything from her. A slow, cruel torture. Mentally and physically. I don't think there could have been anything worse. But I was wrong." I can't meet his eyes anymore, they are too intense. The slight color that was in his face before is gone. "She never broke. As much as I hate to admit it, I would have given in the first month. But not her. She endured his cruelty with her head held high, always ready to fight back. She held onto hope, she held onto you. After that, I would've thought it was impossible to break lightning girl. But you, somehow you broke her into pieces within five minutes." I'm forced to look at him head on now. I fidget in my lap like a scared little girl. Intense heat pulses throughout the room, scorching my skin. But as he opens his mouth, the room goes cold. So cold I almost wish for the fire again. He looks like he's mourning.

"Everyone watches me. I was used to this for awhile, being the silverblood prince, in love with a new blood," I refrain from gasping. A pity I didn't know existed replaces all my previous emotions. They loved each other. "But it's not the same. This time when their eyes follow me, they aren't filled with fear. There is an intense anger there, one that festers inside all of them. But I think the worst part is that now, she won't even look at me." His voice is cracking now, and I feel the need to leave. Anywhere but here, with anyone but him. I pretend not to notice the steam rising off him, from his tears on his hot cheeks. I dare to lean forward, and hold his hand. It makes no difference. He is already in his own world. I try to stay calm as I get up from my chair, but once I leave the room I'm already running. Tears threaten to overtake me. Anywhere but here.

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