Chapter Three: Mare

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I'm so sorry that it took me forever to publish the third chapter. School has been killing me these past weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to write a lot during winter break. Thank you so much for reading!

      I wake up to the familiar melody of chirping birds and Gisa's arms squeezing me. She looks like an angel. I'm tempted to stay, to soak in the innocence of my sweet little sister, but I can't. There are more important things to do. As I start to get dressed, I immediately wonder how many miles Cal and I are going to be running today. I flinch, thinking about our last battle. I'm still drained. The thought is pushed away as I realize that Cal is still with Evangeline and his grandmother, planning on how to take the crown. The thought sobers me up. Cal chose the crown. I need to run. Throwing myself into work is the only way I can stop thinking about him. How I loved him. How I still do.

        The pavement hits my shoes quickly and consistently, sending a dull ache up my legs. Sweat decorates my forehead and back, the only telltale sign of how long I've been running. I start to veer off my usual path towards where Ella's practicing on the hill, but Farley cuts me off.

     "Hey, Farley. Uh, what's up?" I pant, my vision starting to blur. I pushed myself harder than I should have.
      "Surprise meeting. We'll pick you up outside your residence in twenty," her voice sounds calm, but her clenched jaw tells me she's anything but.
     "What's with the purple bandana?" I wonder aloud, gesturing towards her wrist. She proudly displays two bandanas, one a deep blood red, the other electric purple.
     Her smile spreads wide, almost reaching her eyes. "This is for you, lightning girl!" She unties it and passes it over. Tears sting at the corners of my eyes, though I'm not entirely sure why a purple bandana makes me cry. Suddenly, I reach forward and hug her, surprising both of us.
    "Thank you," I choke, holding on tight. Until now, I never really considered Farley part of my family. "You've always been there. You've kept me sane. I love you, Farley. I'd do anything for you and Clara." Now Farley's crying and I can no longer keep my tears back.
     "Oh, Mare," She sobs. "I love you too. You're so brave, you know that? Anytime you need me, I'll be there. Anytime." We stay hugging, crying in a comfortable silence.

     The truck that picks me up is driven by a man I don't recognize. He doesn't even do so much to acknowledge me. It doesn't bother me though, because I get to look at my surroundings for the first time in awhile. The air is humid and sickly sweet. Newbloods all over talk to each other, laying on grass, having a friendly battle, running. I smile to myself a little, seeing the family we've all formed. Outcasts and mistakes, all coming together to change the world. Sounds like something I'd read in Julian's history books. The thought makes my stomach lurch, Mare Barrow being studied by the future generations.

      "We're here," he grunts, bringing the truck to a stop. In front of me is a large, empty, cement building. It's so vacant it looks kind of sad. I've seen it once or twice before, but never stepped foot inside. I figured it was abandoned. But as I step out of the car, I am swarmed by soldiers escorting me inside, and I suspect that exactly what they want you to think. They take me through a maze of hallways, gripping tight on my arms. I try to memorize where I'm going and plan an escape route, but every hallway looks the same. It would be so easy to get lost. Finally, after eight turns, we reach a room. Inside Farley, Davidson, and the Colonel wait, also swarmed with guards. Farley even has a gun to her back, which doesn't surprise me. She bites.

     Farley flashes me a smile that's meant to be comforting, but only unnerves me more. I can see that she's nervous too. In fact, everyone is. My only respite is the bandana Farley gave me, now secured around my wrist. Absentmindedly, I fiddle with my fingers like a child, as my eyes search the room for a sign of what's happening. After what feels like an eternity, a man enters the room. When I meet his eyes, I wish for the numbing of boredom once again. Fear takes hold of every muscle in my body, and I tense. I try to keep a brave mask on, show him that I am not afraid, but I am. My hands tremble and my eyes look everywhere except his. They're storm grey, like the clouds that roll in the sky when lightning is about to strike. They look straight through me, as if I can hide nothing from this man, and that's what scares me the most. Not the bulging muscles that you can see clearly through his ripped and bloodied shirt. Not the guns on either hip, or machete that he holds tight. Before I can find another terrifying detail, my eyes find their way back to his shirt. The blood. It's red. I open my mouth but no words come out, my throat is closing in.
    "Hello," he smiles, revealing sickeningly white teeth. "It's such a pleasure to meet all of you, especially Mare Barrow. I've been waiting a long time for this." His voice is deep and smooth, so charming it seems wrong to come out of a monster like him. "I believe I'm often referred to as command."

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