My feet moved faster than I ever thought it could, but even so, it still didn't seem fast enough. My left foot went into a puddle of water and it splashed up, soaking my legs, although they were already wet from the pouring rain. Showers of water came down on us, wetting my clothes and causing them to stick to my body.

I heard the wailing of the sirens behind us, but there was still a grin on my face. The blue and red lights flashed around us, but I didn't really mind it. How many times have I been in this situation? How many times did they lose me completely? The answers to both of those questions are: countless.

"Split up!" I shouted to Bird, who was running along with me. He wore the same teasing smile I did and was running just as fast. His loud laughter was a way of saying he understood what I said. We came up to Brandy's Junction, where there was a small bar with the best beer in the entire town. Brandy's is a little place on the corner and almost everyone goes there.

When Bird and I reached that junction, we both went our separate ways. I stopped hearing the footsteps behind me, but the sirens were still there. I cursed under my breath. Of course, the car follows me.

I turned to go down an alleyway. One I know leads out of the streets and into one of the neighborhoods--Palmsite Avenue to be exact. I don't really know anyone from here; this is the rich part of our small town.

"Stop where you are!" I heard the cops say to me over the pounding of the rain. I turned back and laughed. "Fuck you!" I didn't even do anything wrong. Bird and I were just on the street, walking. It was only when we saw the cops we decided to run--but only for the fun of it. They are convinced we're guilty of something. I must admit, I have done some very questionable things, but nothing that could seriously get me caught up with the law. We--Bird and I--just seem to have that look, that always has us ending up being chased by cops.

I ran behind a bush fence that blocked me from the streets. I softly laugh left my lips as heavy breaths left my lips. I began to crawl alongside the bushes when I noticed the lights were still blinking. Then the car stopped. I cursed.

I was at the back of a house, a very expensive house at that. I contemplated if I should jump in the pool and pretend I lived here, but then I realized that would pretty much get me arrested. I ran up to the back porch and pushed the door. By complete chance, it was open. A sigh of relief left my lips when I took in my surroundings.

I was in the kitchen. I looked back to see if the cops jumped the hedge and were following me, but they weren't. I smiled. I still heard the sirens which meant they were around the area, but they weren't here, which was all that mattered frankly. I leaned against the counter and tried to control my breathing. After successfully doing that, I looked around.

There was a table in the center, seating six people, and made with expensive wood. The walls of the kitchen were lined with cabinets and the oven. The stove came after. Before I could notice anything else, I walked over to the fridge. I opened it and scanned it for anything proper to drink. All they had in here was healthy drinks, water, and children's juice boxes--in bulk. I closed the fridge again, noticing that on the fridge door were pictures of people and a timetable, or schedule, or whatever. I stared at the pictures closer. There were four people in the family picture.

A woman and three other boys. Two of the boys looked completely identical, but they all looked similar. It was obvious they were all related. The older woman could be the mother of the boys, but I was positive none of the males was the father.

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice. "Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" I blinked a couple of times at the guy. He was just wearing a dark-colored towel, which hung low on his hips. I raised my brows as my eyes followed his v-line, which was unfortunately cut short by the towel. He was beautiful, or at least his body was. I hadn't yet looked up to see his face.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing here?" He asked roughly. I raised my hands in surrender and took a step backward. "Look, I was just running, dude. I'm not a burglar or anything."

Honestly, this guy seems like he would beat my ass a thousand times before I could throw in one punch. I'm a puny guy with an annoying attitude that sometimes gets me in trouble, but I can't fight for shit. That's what I befriended Bird for.

"Then why the hell are you in here?" He questions taking a step toward me.

"I saw the pictures. You've got a pretty family. You're mom's pretty--is that your mom? She could be a sister. Whatever she is, she's pretty," I rambled.

"Are you trying to hit on her?" He demanded.

"No, dude, I'm gay! I swear. I can prove it--drop your towel." I smiled. I think that comment really pissed him off. He rushed to me, gripped me by my shirt, and lifted me off the ground to press me against the wall. "I don't mind it getting a little rough, you know." I managed to get out although he was slowly cutting my air supply by how tight he had me up.

He groaned in disgust and then dropped me to the floor. I quickly got up and straightened out my clothes. I smiled. "See, I'm harmless."

"Get the fuck out of my house." He said angrily. I looked around for a moment. "This is your house? Or is it your mom's? 'Cuz I get the feeling it's your moms."

"Shut up and leave. And don't ever come back." He said then stepped aside, thinking that I would walk away. I remained where I stood, looking up at him. He really is beautiful. His hair is cut short as if he was in the army, and it honestly would seem like that, judging by how fit he looked. His blue eyes only held anger and it was directed straight at me, but I didn't really mind it. I just stared. He was so much taller than I was, which made me have to look up to him, and he looked down at me.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"I told you to leave."

"Okay. Yes. I heard you." I rolled my eyes. "But I want your name."

"Don't make me have to forcefully remove you from my house."

"Why not just call the cops?" I shrugged. "Since you already think I'm a burglar." The guy stared at me. His face contorted from looking extremely peeved off and upset to looking extremely peeved off but slightly worried at the mention of cops. I flashed a small smirk. He's obviously not on the right side of the law, so scratch off 'army man' from the list. He blinked down and stepped back a little. "Look, I'm in no mood for your teenage games."

Just as I was going to reply, I heard a loud knock on the front door. Actually, it was less of a knock and more of a Bang. I stared at him as he stared at me cautiously. He took a slow step backward before putting out his hand to make me halt from beginning to walk. "Stay here."

"Sure." I shrugged. He turned to walk out of the kitchen and I wondered if he was aware that he was still in his towel alone. I smirked as he walked away. For what seemed like the first time in my life, I listened to what he said and remained where I was. I began to look around the kitchen again. How could he not have anything good in this place? What kind of health freaks are they?

I remained in the kitchen for a minute or two, then I saw him walk back to me. However, behind him were two men, dressed in uniform. They were fucking cops. "You fucker!" I shouted at him before I began to step back to begin running. But before I could even get past the large ass pool, I was being tackled to the ground--a cop on top of me. I groaned loudly.

When I was up and they turned back to the house I saw him standing there, looking gorgeous as hell. But damn, he was a snitch.




-Little Infinity

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