"So I met this guy on the bus... He was tall and businesslike... Oh, and he was older... He looked like he was in his early thirties. I haven't been... Wait yes, I have. Not much though. I don't sleep with really older guys. Although this one time I slept with a grandpa and it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I met him in a club and he was-"



"Shut up."

I looked up at Lukas and rolled my eyes at him. Lukas flashed me a feigned smile, his misery palpable. Of course, I thought bitterly, I always end up stuck with the miserable one. Why couldn't Kol have been the one injured? Then at least I'd have some entertainment, and we'd have a car to ease this trek.

I glanced up at Lukas, a hint of annoyance in my voice. "Do you want me to call Kol? Walking is really stupid when you have a brother with a car," I suggested. Lukas looked down at me, his expression etched with a scowl. I shrugged my shoulders. "You're the salty twin, aren't you? Like you were born salty, weren't you?"

"Daniel, shut up." He flashed me a crooked smile. I did as asked, not because he asked but because I wanted to. We walked in silence for a while. I kept staring at him as we walked. He and Kol aren't that similar. I mean if you look at them really you'd realize a few differences--besides the fact that Lukas is still bruised in the face area. His eyebrow is misshapen and more arched than Kol's, and his lips are thinner (I've stared at their lips a lot of times, so I know). Lukas is taller than Kol, just by a little, but he's taller.

"What?" Lukas asked, his tone gruff and uninterested. I rolled my eyes, finding Lukas to be a tougher nut to crack. He was like a fortress of stone, even more guarded and ruthless than I had expected. I had anticipated that level of intensity from Kol, the one who had once chased me through my neighborhood with murderous intent. But Lukas seemed to simply not care about me at all.

"Nothing," I answered. "Do you have friends?" I asked him.

"Are you trying to make conversation? I don't want to talk to you." Lukas looked at me.

"What did I do?" I asked him with my eyebrows rising. I mean, I know what I did. But I thought we were past that. I thought we were on our way to friendship. Why is he suddenly so cold towards me? We've had good conversations before this, and we've laughed together before this, so what changed?

"I don't know, exist." He replied. I stared at him and he looked down at me and flashed a smile. I sighed in relief inwardly. His smile assured me a little. Maybe nothing has changed. Maybe he was just moody. I let out an almost nervous laugh. "You know I'm sorry, right? About everything."

"Are you serious?" He asked me incredulously.

"Yes. I am. I'm like a major screw-up. I'm sorry for like this... All of it." I'm no good at apologies. I think it's obvious by this failure of an apology. Lukas only chuckled softly. Honestly, over the times we've spent together, learning and understanding his family and his situation, I do feel a bit sorry. Would I do it again? Maybe. But at this moment, there's a twinge of remorse deep inside me when it comes to him. He's going through a lot, and I understand that. It sucks that I'm part of the reason for his troubles. Because, aside from being a stoic asshole, Lukas isn't a bad guy, and he didn't deserve any of this.

"Daniel, please stop. You suck..."

"Yes. I'm aware of that." I smirked.

"I mean, stop apologizing. I get that you're sorry or whatever, but just.. Just stop." 

"Dude, I'm trying to be serious, here!" I said and was about to push him jokingly, but soon realized he was on crotches and if I pushed him he'd lose his balance and someone end up being rolled over by a car. "I mean, you're getting better and this dumb 'punishment' crap will soon be over and we won't really have a reason to see each other. So I should just say it now--I'm sorry."

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