Chapter Twenty-Four: Here and Now

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     As the training session continued, the wolves observed intently, occasionally asking questions through Edward, who relayed their inquiries with ease

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     As the training session continued, the wolves observed intently, occasionally asking questions through Edward, who relayed their inquiries with ease. Their presence added an extra layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere. When the session concluded, I joined Bella and Edward for the ride back. During the journey, Bella expressed her amazement at the speed and proficiency of my spells, admitting that she had never witnessed anything quite like it before.

For the remainder of the evening, I shared my day's adventures with my Grams, recounting each detail with enthusiasm. She listened intently, marvelling at my tales and expressing admiration for my proficiency in witchcraft. She did express her concern that exerting too much with my magic might have consequences, but she shared this out of love and care. Strangely, I didn't feel weakened by my efforts; rather, I felt even more empowered.

As the next day dawned, we resumed our training regimen, with the wolves observing once more. Time was of the essence, so we had to make the most of every available moment. I observed the Cullens engaging in combat with each other, Jasper taking the lead in explaining the tactics and strategies for combating newborns. He offered invaluable insights into their strengths and weaknesses.

I opted to wear the same attire as the previous day, though I made sure to wash it thoroughly, especially after it had been drenched by Emmett's playful antics. When my turn came around again, I gave it my all, just as I had done the day before. Jasper was adamant about ensuring I could handle a group of newborns if the situation called for it, so he arranged for all of them to spar with me.

With precise movements, I cast spells that sent them flying through the air or sinking into the ground, leaving only their heads visible. The air crackled with magic as I commanded the elements with a flick of my wrist, each spell executed flawlessly as if they were mere extensions of my own will. In a matter of minutes, I had each one subdued. Edward proved the most challenging, his speed unmatched within his family. Yet, even he succumbed to my magic, and slowed momentarily before being propelled into a nearby tree.

Once I was worn out—being human, I needed food, sleep, and energy to fight—I stepped to the sidelines to watch as the others continued their training. Bella filled me in on her conversation with Jasper from the previous day. He had revealed that he was turned into a vampire to train a newborn army for a vampire named Maria. That's why he knew all about them.

"Training's over," Emmett's voice echoed from behind me. I turned to face him just as Edward approached Bella, leading her away. I waved goodbye to her before refocusing on Emmett. "You were great, once again," he announced, making me smile. "Especially loved the part when you sunk me into the ground," he recalled, referencing my earlier display of power.

"Having control over the elements comes in handy," I remarked with a snigger, which made him chuckle.

"So, I was thinking," Emmett began, his tone becoming serious, "if you want to come over and watch a movie?" His eyes never left mine.

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