Chapter Ten: Victoria

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     It had been nearly two months since we cast our votes regarding Bella's life-altering decision

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It had been nearly two months since we cast our votes regarding Bella's life-altering decision. Graduation loomed ahead, a milestone she aimed to pass before embracing her new existence. During these interim months, Bella and I had been inseparable. She balanced her time between me and Edward, ensuring we both received her attention. Together, we ventured into various activities, sharing laughter and inside jokes. I even mustered the courage to showcase some of my magic, which never failed to ignite her excitement. These moments together peeled away our layers, revealing newfound confidence.

When Bella visited Edward at his home, she always extended an invitation for me to join, and I eagerly accepted. While she spent time with him, I bonded with Alice and Jasper. Even Rosalie, initially reserved, gradually warmed up to me. Our interactions evolved from formalities to genuine conversations, bridging the gap between us. Each encounter with Rosalie chipped away at her icy exterior, revealing a softer side beneath.

There were moments of solitude, yet I found solace in unexpected company. Emmett often entered the room, sparking spontaneous conversations that traversed from mundane to profound. He patiently entertained my queries, no matter how trivial, fostering a sense of belonging within the Cullen family. They became my confidants, offering guidance on matters both mundane and supernatural.

Meanwhile, I dedicated myself to mastering my witchcraft, gradually shedding my fear of losing control. With each practice session, my confidence swelled, buoyed by the presence of my grandmother nearby for support. She served as my anchor, ensuring I never strayed too far and got lost within myself.

Academically, I was thriving, maintaining the top position in my class. Jessica, the valedictorian, was slated to deliver a speech at our upcoming graduation ceremony. Meanwhile, Alice proposed throwing a pre-graduation party at their house, extending invitations to all. The prospect of attending my first house party filled me with excitement, stirring a sense of anticipation I hadn't felt before.

"So, you're heading off to visit your mom?" I inquired, my voice floating through the room as I watched Bella meticulously pack her suitcase. I sat cross-legged on her bed, knowing I'd be sleeping over tonight before she was away for the weekend.

"Yeah, I want to see her before graduation," Bella replied, darting back and forth from her closet, grabbing clothes and tossing them into her open suitcase on the floor.

"Do you mean before you turn?" I asked, causing her to pause and turn towards me. There was a flicker of pain in her expression, knowing she couldn't visit her mother after her impending transformation. "You'll have an amazing time," I insisted, my gaze locking onto hers with intensity. "Cherish every moment with her. Do you understand?" My tone was firm, and I could sense the seriousness in my own words.

"I will, I promise," she replied, brushing off my concern, determined to make the most of her time with her mother before her transformation. "Did you see Alice the other day?" Bella changed the subject, returning to her packing.

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