A small rant.

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In our society, we have everyone trying so desperately to be different. We have people all listening to obscure music and trying weird trendy clothes in a mad dash to try and be different and popular. And if it really is how you feel then go you, I'm not shaming you. If you really are a gothic person who like to wear dark dress and listen to death metal, I'm not shaming you. If you are a girl who likes flannels and converse, and loves star bucks, you do you. If you are considered country and wear cowboy boots, you do you. Everyone should be able to be them selves with out judgement. But we also have millions of people all trying to stand out, and they do stupid things to do so. Wearing jeans that are just the trim that over laps, or dropping thousands on shoes, and unfortunately much, much worse, but You people all do realize that by trying so desperately to be different, logically you are all the same, right?

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