Chapter 21

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Now in English, today was the due date for everyone to turn in their book assignments. And thanks to Autumn's smartness, the two were able to complete theirs and managed to turn in their assignment.

"I never thought I would be able to turn in an assignment without feeling as if I'm missing something" Tanner commented.

"That's why it's important to focus" she stated with a small smile "And always do your work."

"I'll try better next time" he promised in a chuckled as she gave a small giggle.

Seeing her smile reminded him of the list that was still in his back pocket, remembering what Ally and Max had told him, but needing more time to think.

"Hey uh-" he added, "Remember when I told you that I was planning on dumping Dayna?"

She nodded.

"Well, I couldn't do it today. Her grandfather's in the hospital and she's really upset about it."

"Aw," she pouted with a sad look.

"Yeah" he sighed "I just couldn't do it today, I didn't wanna cause her more pain."

"I understand. Just give it time."

But how much time? He hoped it wouldn't be too long. But he began to question himself, will it be okay to break up with her as soon as she recovers? Shoving that thought to the side, he turned back to Autumn who was writing in her notebook.

"What you writing?" he asked "Another poem?"

"A short story actually" she corrected.

"What's it about?"

"It's a romance about a guy and girl who meet at a bus stop, but they don't realize that they used to be friends when they were young. And so they try to connect the dots and, well, that's the best I can explain it."

"Sounds interesting" he raised an eyebrow "Can I read it when you're done?"

"I guess" she muttered with a slight shrug as she went back to writing.

But seeing the way she replied, Tanner could see something was making her uncomfortable.

"Hey" he spoke in a gentle tone "If you don't want me to read it that's fine."

"No it's just-" she began to explain with a sigh while putting her pencil down "I've never shared any of my stories to anyone, they're usually for me."

"Hey, I get it. I just thought that, since we're friends and all, that you would be okay with sharing things that you like. Like how I should show you things that I like."

She had a hard time making eye contact and seemed to struggle with her words.

"But if you don't wanna share it-" he continued "Then you don't have to, I won't pressure you."

She managed to reply with a small smile "Maybe you will read it someday, I'm just not ready to show it."

"I get it" he assured, keeping his curiosity at bay to try to avoid wondering when he'll be able to read her story, and other stories and poems she refuses to show.

After visiting Dayna as he promised, Tanner drove back home just as the sun was beginning to set as he went inside to see his sister snacking on some chips in the dining room.

"Were you with Autumn again?" was the first thing she asked when she saw him.

He rolled his eyes while dropping his backpack on the floor and heading into the kitchen for a snack.

"Well were you?" Ally demanded.

"No" he harshly replied "Okay?"

He then sighed, feeling a pit in his stomach for having to tell her the truth.

"I was with Dayna" he corrected.

"You were with that bitch?" she questioned disgusted.

"Language" he warned, reminding her that someone her age shouldn't be cursing.

"Why were you with Dayna?" she questioned still disgusted, "I thought you were gonna break up with her?"

"I was, but then I found out that her grandfather's in the hospital and she was really upset about it. And I just didn't wanna cause more pain to her, today was a bad day to do so. I'm gonna have to wait until she calms up."

"Fine" she grunted "Just don't allow her to come over again. Remember the last time she did? She ate my last cookie when I told her not to do so."

"I know" he groaned "And don't worry, she won't."

"Good" she breathed in relief "Although, when are you gonna invite Autumn over?"

He gave a small smile by the sound of her name "I don't know. I think I'll ask her later. And if she says yes, you gotta be careful on how you behave around her. People with Aspergers aren't like normal people you know."

"I know" she nodded "What do you want me to do?"

"Well be nice obviously, don't touch her unless she allows it, be careful what you say because she's really sensitive. If she gets upset, give her some space, and if she acts all weird, do not, I repeat, do not, make fun of her. Got it?"

"I'm not 5 anymore" she stated "I get it. Treat like like you would for any special need kid."

"Well she's not technically a special need, but yeah, something like that, just not too much. She's still a normal girl, who's not entirely normal but you get the idea."

"I know" she nodded.


Knowing that she understood, Tanner scooped up his backpack by the strap and began upstairs with an apple in his hand.

"Did you go over the list?" Ally suddenly asked that made him froze.

Remembering that the list was still in his back pocket, he quickly tried to think of an excuse to avoid answering.

"Uh, I gotta go do homework" was the first thing he responded with as he quickly hurried into his room and shut the door.

But after 9 years of living with him, Ally knew what was on his mind that he was trying to keep at bay.

Once in his room, Tanner plopped down on his bed while letting the apple roll out of his hand and feeling the list crunch in his pocket, reminding him of the signs. But after a moment of hard thinking, he couldn't hold it in any longer. After trying to convince himself he was wrong, he knew he wasn't. He was in love with Autumn.

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