Chapter 30

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By the looks of the principle's face after showing him the video, Tanner could see how disappointed he was as he and Max watched him make a call to bring Dayna down to the office. And when she arrived, Tanner didn't dare to look into her eyes as he and Max stood against the wall as Dayna sat in the chair in front of the principle and his desk where he showed her the video.

"Care to explain Dayna?" he asked a bit sternly.

"What's there to explain?" she frowned with her arms crossed in front of her "Doesn't the video already answer it?"

"I am very disappointed in you Dayna, bullying this girl because she's different, do you have any idea on how much trouble you're in?"

"What are you gonna do expel me?" she snickered "Go ahead, I don't give a shit about going to this school."

"Oh I'm not going to expel you, no I'm going to have you suspended, and you will not be able to graduate."

"And not to mention you won't get into that college you wanted to go to" Tanner added.

"Shut the fuck up Tanner I wasn't talking to you" she scowled.

"Well I'm talking to you" he scolded "And you know what I'm gonna say now? That you lied to me about your grandfather being in the hospital. Yeah, that's right, Max had a little chat with him yesterday at Walmart, turns out he was never in the hospital. You lied to me to keep me from Autumn, and now you're getting the punishment you deserve."

"Fine, go ahead and fuck with that retard, I bet she can't even do it right."

"Dayna!" the principle growled, "Not only will you be suspended and not be able to graduate, but you will have to repeat your Senior Year."

"What?" she gasped as Max gave a snicker, causing Tanner to hit his arm to silence him.

"I'm sorry Dayna, but I have no other choice. After this school year is over, you will have all summer to prepare for another year, and I hope that you will be a better person by the time that school year ends."

Tanner could see her face turning red and her muscles tightening, she had gotten what she deserved, justice had been brought.

As soon as it was over, Dayna had to stay in the office for a while as Tanner and Max were free to go.

"Dude how awesome was that?" Max beamed as they strolled down the hallway "Dayna finally got the punishment she deserved, looks like we won't be seeing her for a while."

Even though Tanner agreed she deserved it, he still didn't feel as happy.

"Hey what's wrong?" Max asked, "It's over, you're not dating Dayna anymore and she got suspended."

"It's not that" Tanner replied in a sigh "Autumn still won't talk to me."

"Oh," Max remarked a bit sadly.

"No matter how many times I try to talk to her, she keeps avoiding me, it's like how she was the first time I met her."

"How long does it take for someone like her to get over something?"

"I don't know, it might be the same for most people, or different I don't know. But I have a feeling she's not gonna feel better for a while, cause I know how sensitive she is."

"Damn" Max breathed with disappointment "This was not how I wanted things to go for the two of you, I actually thought you two would get together."

"I thought so too" Tanner mumbled, "But now I don't think we can."

"Hey" Max came to a stop to look him straight in the eye "I know how hard it is for people with Asperger's to show love, Autumn's just afraid that's all."

"I know that. She's afraid of hurting me because of her incapability to express love. And she says I should be with someone normal."

"Hey, in case you forgot, nobody's normal, we're all weird in our own way. It's just it's different for people like her, it's more sensitive to them. But I know that she loves you, and I know that she wants to be with you."

"Well, how can that happen is she won't even let it happen?" Tanner doubted in a mutter.

"Well first off you gotta give her some more time, you know how girls are. And as soon as things calm up, show her how much she means to you, she needs to know that a very handsome guy loves her with all his heart and will do anything for her."

Tanner gave a small snicker, never hearing his best friend calling him 'handsome' before.

"So what do you say?" Max asked with a small smile.

"Well of course I agree with you, but what do you suggest I do to show her how much I care about her?"

"I don't know" he shrugged "Although I would suggest something low key, Autumn doesn't seem like the kind of girl that loves big romantic gestures."

"Yeah" Tanner nodded, thinking about how uncomfortable she would be if he did do something big to win her heat.

"So you got any idea?" Max agreed.

"Something low key huh?" Tanner began to think.

What's could be a nice, low key romantic gesture that wouldn't make Autumn uncomfortable, see how much she means to him, and that she'll love? After a moment of hard thinking, it suddenly hit him just like that.

"I got it" his face lit up.

"You do?" Max gasped "What is it?"

"I'll tell you later, first we gotta get to class."

"Oh, right I forgot we stopped."

They began down the hallway as Tanner began to explain.

"All I'm gonna say is that I have to wait until next month to do this," he told Max.

"What why?"

"I'll show you later."

As they continued down the hall, Tanner knew that he had the perfect gesture to do, and now all he had to do was wait until the day, and hope that it will work.

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