The Stallion ~ Chapter 2

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I must have dozed off because when I open my eye the sun was coming up. I got up and put out some hay and a carrot in front of the both of them, I left not making a sound. I trotted out towards the village as I went around it I saw a paddock with several horses in it. I looked at them from a distance. Each horse had something that I think humans call rugs or blankets, I have no idea. I walked toward the fence my eyes glued to the horses trotting around in the snow, one of the mares walked over to me. She had a dark blue rug on, she was a grey. 'Can we help you?' She asked politely. I didn't answer for a few seconds hoping she would just go away but she didn't she just stood their patiently. 'Oh I was just watching you and the others prancing about. I was thinking what it would be like to be an owned horse.' I answered. She tipped her head sideways and spoke once more 'Feeding time is near you'd better run before the humans catch you' She said flaring her nostrils. I snorted and cantered back into the wood still watching the horses in the paddock.

I see a black distressed stallion getting dragged into the round pen, he yanked the lead rope but failed to take the rope away from the man leading him. He reared and kicked the man opening the gate, I watch in amazement. Once the men had put him in the pen they left the galloping stallion, he was a black stallion his coat was shiny and looked well groomed. He was the most handsome stallion I had ever come across. Once the humans were well away I walked towards the distressed stallion, 'Hello' I said softly. 'Hi' The stallion grunted, 'Whats your name? I'm Clover' I said tilting my head. 'Oh...Um... I-I'm Mickey. Nice to meet you' He snorted. 'What are you?' The stallion blurted out. 'I'm a Morgan cross breed mare.. You?' I answered. 'English thoroughbred Stallion. Not very interesting I know' Mickey looked at the floor. 'I need to go and get some food. I'll be back to talk to you somewhere between today and tomorrow.'I said. Mickey grunted as I cantered off towards the small market forming at the side of the village. Luckily for me there we sacks of food for me to take, I grabbed a heavy sack of hay and a small sack of fruit in my mouth and ran away from the market. I dropped the sacks in my shelter and looked around, relived no humans had seen me I collapsed on the fabric on the bottom of the shelter.

I had a long nap because buy the time I had got up it was beginning to get dark. I galloped as fast as I could toward the stables Mickey was in. As soon as I got there the round pen was empty, I looked in the paddock but the black English Thoroghbred was not there. I began to think the worst of what could have happened to him. I hid in the forest watching the paddock but nothing happened the whole night.

As the sun began to rise I saw some humans begin to arrive in their cars. One car had a trailer attached to it I watched carefully as a mare emerged for the trailer she was pretty but I didn't want to talk to her in case she wasn't nice. I stepped back into the forest more so I wouldn't get noticed, the humans were bringing their horses into the paddocks. There was three different ones, one for stallions, ones for just mares, ones for mares and foals and the last one was for all horses. I saw Mickey come out of a smaller building, the man had a halter on him. Mickey wasn't refusing it he must have cooled down since last night I thought. The man was heading to the stallions paddock, so keeping myself hidden I trotted to the empty stallions paddock. Once the man had put Mickey in the paddock I walked towards the stallion. 'Hello Mickey' I called, he turned round his ears pined back but when he saw me the sprung back up as he lunged towards me. 'Clover you have got to help me get out of here...' Mickey said. 'But how?' I asked. 'I have been thinking about it all night but I have a plan,' He said.

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