Sierra ~ Chapter 5

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~ Sierra ~                                                                                                                                                                                    I was mucking out Milly's stall when my Dad and my annoying little sister walked into the barn. 'Hey Sierra' My sister said, she was happy with herself I could tell by the stupid look on her face. I looked at my Dad, 'We have someone we want you to meet' Dad said, I raised an eyebrow as if to say carry on. 'Well you'll have to wait and see.' He said. I followed the two of them out of the barn my little sister, Remy , was skipping across the light snow that had fallen the day before. We came to a round pen, I peered in and saw a lovely black and white patchy Morgan. She was wild I could tell but she was one of the best horses I had ever seen. I hugged my father tightly and my little sister too. 'Thanks guys' I said looking at the horse once more. 'She's a Morgan Andalusian cross breed.' Remy said, 'Sierra, what are you going to call her?' my Dad asked. 'I have always wanted to call a horse this.' I said, 'Clover' 

Time passed and I was still doing stable chores. My dad was the owner of these stables, he could order anyone about but his main rule was whoever had a horse here couldn't order any stable-hands about. Remy was not to keen on that rule but she stuck to it, mainly because she wanted a new horse but I thought it was better than having a horse and never mucking out a stall. Remy's horse Cinnamon was stabled right next to my horse Milly's stable. Milly was getting far to small for me but we still kept her for my even younger sister Lucia. She was definitely my favourite sibling. Milly was a grey standard bred, she was one of my first ponies and I wanted her to my Lucia's first pony too. Lucia's first lesson on Milly was on Saturday after I had done my ridding lessons with the older kids. My dad had volunteered me to do it since I had been riding well and improving quickly. I didn't mind doing it since it was with kids eleven to fifteen who were jumping 60 cm and up.

Once I had finished stable chores I went to look at Clover. I gave her some food and water to eat a drink whenever she liked, since she wouldn't have been so used to so much food in the wild. I thought wild horses we paper thin but Clover was well built with lots of muscle and she looked like a good cross country horse. I decided to halter break her, so I took my worst, most ragged looking head collar and headed back to Clover. As I entered the round pen she was completely calm, I took out the head collar and let her sniff and look at it. I carefully and slowly put it over her head, she didn't refuse at all. I tried to lead her about, it worked, she must have been used to this. But I thought she just trusted me. Once I had finished leading her I left the head collar on and went to get my lunging lead. I went to the tack room where I met my best friends Amya and Niko. Amya was a tall, dark haired, girl, everyone adored her she was protective and my best friend. I had known her since we were kids. Niko on the other hand I had meet through horses, he had a black mare called Belle and before that he had Milly the mare I have now. He was always there for us, if we fell or wouldn't get back up again. 'Hey what's up?' Amya asked, 'Well I'm breaking a wild horse.' I replied. Amya squealed, 'Can we watch?' Niko asked. 'Of course, you can give me pointers if you like' I smiled. I looked over at the lead rope pile I had, looked for at least 2 minutes. Amya tapped my shoulder and handed me the lung lead, I giggled, 'Thanks so much' I said walking out of the tack room and out to the round pen.

I clipped the lung lead to the head collar and lead Clover around the round pen so she got used to it. I then stood in the middle as Clover walked round the wall of the round pen. 'Good girl' I said, she relaxed a little. I clicked and swung the rope and she went into a smooth trot, 'Nice gates' Niko said, 'Yea. There beautiful' Amya said. 'How about a canter?' Niko said, I clicked and swung the rope once more and she went into a collected canter. 'Good' I said in a soft tone. I brought her back to a walk and took of the head collar, I pet Clover and squeezed through the round pen gate. 'That was great' Amya said, 'Thanks, maybe I could get tack on her tomorrow.' I said looking at Niko. 'Yeah but you can only ride her if she's calm,' I looked at him and smirked, 'I'm sure she'll be calm when I want to ride her,'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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