Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It was a pretty peaceful sleep. I only woke up once, but Jacob was there to comfort me. Jacob apparently stayed there all night because he was there when I woke.

"Hey beautiful!" he says in his heart melting, sexy morning voice. "Hey handsome!" I say trying to mock his tone, but failing horribly. He leaps off the bed and into the hallway. His sudden movement startles me and I let out a squel.

"Jacob freaking Griffen! What is you effing pro-" "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Lily, Jacob, Andrew, and Lexi walk into the room. Their holding presents, balloons, flowers, cards, all sorts of things. "Me first!" Andrew cries out. "No, I called dibs!" said Lexi, giving Andrew the evil eye. Her evil eyes seriously has magical powers. I ain't kiddin'!

"Thanks Lily! This is fricking awesome!" Lily got me a new pair of earrings, some shorts, a scrapbook of all of my friends from when we first met until now. Next was Jacob's present. I had already opened Lexi's and Andrew's gifts. They both bought me some things for dance. "Oh my gosh! Seriously?!" I pull out a necklace with a heart on it. The heart is made out of pure opal, which is my birthstone. "This is the prettiest opal I've ever seen! Thank you so so so much!" I run over to him and give him a giant bear hug.

"Thanks guys for everything! I thought you forgot!" "We'd never in a billion years forget your birthday Tori!" Andrew smiles enthusiastically. "Since when am I Tori?" "Since now!" "Ugh. Whatevs."

Everyone has now left except Jacob. We're completely alone!!! I say to myself. "Hey Jacob?" "Yeah?" he asks sleepily. "Did 'The Group' like sleep here or something? How'd they get in my house?" He chuckles and says simply, "Your keys are under the doormat. Everyone knows that." "Oh" We smile at each other.

OH MY FLIPPING JESUS!!! Jacobs face is literally inches from mine. He flicks his eyes to my lips and leans in closer. I close my eyes, and our lips meet. A soft kiss is planted on my lips. He gets deeper and nibbles on my lips. Then I let him enter. His tongue is soft, but just the right amount of force to send shivers all over my body. I feel a smile curving on his lips. I'm pretty sure he knows the effect he has on me.

After about five minutes of kissing, no making out, I finally break away. Jacob runs to the bathroom. "Gotta pee! Gotta pee!" He sings. I laugh and shake my head. Oh men.... Jacob's phone beeps and the name Christina pops up. 'Love you! Goodnight!' Is what the text says. My heart sinks to the bottom of what seems like a never ending black hole.

The kiss. It meant nothing.... It meant fucking nothing........ Did he just do that for entertainment?

Hey guys! I'm soooooooo sorry for the really late update. Kind of a cliffhanger? I don't really know.

You guys know the drill if you want another chapter. Comment, like, follow, and vote! Keep reading! I'll for sure be updating next Friday! So, without further ado, Bai!!!

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