Wait, what?

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I slowly awoke to a pounding headache in the back of my skull, I kept my eyes closed in order to take in my surroundings. A few things were clear from the start. I was not in my room, the metallic smell and chilly air was a good clue of that, not to mention the fact that I was almost positive I was sitting on a cold cement floor. Now that I had that figured out it became obvious that my wrist were contained above my head in a painful position by two thick, cold chains. After discovering this I finally open my eyes, only to be greeted by almost complete darkness, i could see enough to realize i was in fact on a cement floor and that it was a cell, that fact became clear when i made out the shapes of bars in front of me.

Panic slowly set in and I pulled on the chains, making then dig painfully into the soft skin of my wrist.

"ouch, crap." I whispered quietly.

Only to be greeted with a low, dark chuckle that sent chills through my whole body and caused the hairs on my arms to raise.

" I see your awake now, darling. for a moment I was afraid I cracked your skull." A deep, cruelly amused voice chuckled.

A candle was lit and in the flickering light i saw those same deep crimson eyes from the night before. Beyond those eyes however was a decently attractive boy that might have been in his late teens 18-20 at the most. He had ear length dark brown or maybe black hair, it was too dark to tell, but the thing that sent chills over my body all over again was the cruel smirk he held on his lips.

"Alright darling, im going to ask you your name and your going to tell me without any problems, alright?" He inquired with that cruel smirk still in place.

I was enraged, how dare he? how dare he kidnap me and then expect himself worthy enough to know my name, no, anything about me? hrs had no right, so i simply looked him in his cold eyes with a glare and replied as confidently as i could.

"no, I don't think I will"

"well darling, you just made the wrong choice"

Before i could comprehend what had happened, he had flung the door to the cell open and had me pinned to the wall a hand wrapped around my throat.

"care to tell me now, darling?" he taunted

I couldn't fight against him do to the chains so i held out until tears came to my eyes and black spots threatened to take over my vision.

"h-hope! its hope!" I sputtered out.

He imeddietly dropped me and as I was gasping for breathe he walked out and closed the door then blew the candle out and started walking away, calling over his shoulder at me-

"see wasn't so hard was it, hope? my names Erik, welcome to my lovely home."

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