Normal conversation? kinda.

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I thought of a list of words I could use to describe Erik as I waited for him to return with the food he left for. I also made up my mind that I would escape, but I was going to do it the smart way. I needed to first get my strength back, then for a few days I can start to gather non perishable food until I'm certain its enough, I needed to gather some money as well to ensure that once free id have somewhere to stay. I had the start figured out but i still needed to know what day to pull it off.

  My thoughts where interrupted as Erik walked in with a bowl of soup and handed it to me. I ate in silence until he broke it.

" your probably curious about my species aren't you? humans tend to be."

I nodded, I was curious, I needed to know all that I could about his species so I could have a better chance at escape. As I finished my soup Erik explained the basics. He told me that vampires aren't effected by the things that we humans thought they were like garlic, wood, crosses, holly water or hollow ground, he explained that sunlight will not kill him but it does weaken him a bit. He also explained that all vampires answer to a queen. He also explained that there are three classifications for vampires that go like this-

1. purebloods- both parents were vamps

2. halflings- only one parent was a vamp

3. changling- human turned into a vamp

He didn't tell me much more, just that there's a council to help the queen make decisions, and that only purebloods were aloud to be on it.

"alright, do you understand?" he asked me after taking my empty bowl from me.

"yes, though you didn't tell me much."

"you don't need to know much more"

I sighed and nodded, "fine."

He chuckled and shook his head, standing up and going to the door. he looked over his shoulder at me and smirked. "be ready for tomorrow, Hope, you won't be allowed to stay on bed all day again."

"fine." I layed back on the pillows after he left and slipped into a restless sleep.

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