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I awoke with an unladylike groan but I didn't really care since it felt like my head was going to explode. I unconsciously lifted my hand up to my neck, as soon as my fingers grazed the skin I hissed in pain and jerked my hand away. What the heck is- oh that's right I remember now, Erik decided to be supreme emperor of all jerks and bit me last night, stupid vampire. Well that's just fabulous, now I get to walk around with a pounding headache and a sensitive My stomach rumbled signalling me that I should get moving, I stood up from the bed and walked to the closet picking out a white sweater and gray skinny jeans then changing quickly and just putting my hair in a messy pony tail not bothering to brush it, it doesn't get that messed up at night anyway it'll be ok.

Once I was done I turned around and noticed a small folded piece of papper on my nightstand. I walked over and opened it scowling when I recognized Eriks handwriting.

   My darling Hope,

James, Castro and myself have some business we need to attend to today, Julian has volunteered to stay back and watch you. He is allowed to punish you if needed. You have the day to yourself, feel free to sit in my library and read or anything that might interest you. We shall not return until tomorrow morning


   Huh, this was great id probably be able to escape with just Julian here, screw trying to collect food and stuff it was obvious if I stay here Erik would end up draining me dry and just getting a new girl.

I would be escaping today. I let the thought sink in and I smiled a bit,actually smiled, which I hadn't done since I gotten here.

It was still early morning which means Julian was still asleep, that'd give me a better chance at succeeding. plus it gives me a whole day to get somewhere, anywhere away from here. Come to think of it, where was here? I had never been outside and most the windows we're a bit too high up.

The only time Im able to see outside is in my own room from the window and all I can see is forest from there...hmmm...maybe the whole house is surrounded by forest. Well, regardless of what's its surrounded by ill still have to try, hopefully I can pick the lock on the window and slip out before Julian realizes it. He's a demon, meaning much faster and much stronger than me, if he realizes I'm gone before I'm a good distance away there's no chance ill escape. I'm terrified, I want to get out of here but I don't want to be caught and then punished, especially not by Julian, the guy hated me already, id hate to see what sort of pain he'd afflict just because he had a reason. I shook my head and mentally slapped myself, I can't be thinking things like that or ill loose my nerve.

I stood up and searched the wardrobes drawers, there were hair accessories in it and I wanted to see if I was lucky enough (and Erik was stupid enough) to leave a hair pin. After about five minutes of searching my heart soared. There! Right there was a lovely green hair pin. I quickly snatched it up and ran to the window. I bent the pin and stuck it into the lock, listening carefully for the clicks. Fifteen minutes later and it fell away.

I could barely contain my joy, I was so close, so close to a chance at freedom. I pushed the window open then listened carefully to the sounds of the house to make sure Julian was still asleep. I didn't here anything, that was great.

I looked down, my room was located on the second floor so it was kinda high up. I turned around and scanned the room for something to help. My eyes landed on the sheets of the bed and I smiled, id seen it done in movies and it was the best idea I had so sure, why not. I ripped the sheets off the bed the tied one end into a knot around the window panes handle.

I gripped the other end and slowly began slipping out, using the wall to help I slowly made my way down. Finally, my feet touched the ground and I let go off the sheet and faced the woods, grinning in success.

I took one last look up at my window then jetted into the trees.

I had started my escape.

((A/N: I'm sooo sorry its taking so long for me to updated, I've just been busy and its taking me a bit more time to come up with where I want to take this each chapter. please, bare with me :)

Thank you so much for reading :) ))

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